Louis Dipippa

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Your POV

I had the worst day. This morning a boy spilled coffee all over me as I walked into school, I failed my math test. My best friend is mad at me and my boyfriend won't even answer his phone. You ran upstairs and just cried for hours.

Louis' POV

My baby's not answering her phone. Gosh why didn't I take my phone with me today. I ran into her house. "Baby!" I ran into her room, She was crying. "Babe Babe Babe What's wrong?" She didn't answer I just held her until she calmed down. and told me all that went wrong today. "Come on" I said pulling her up. "Where are we going Louis?" "Just come on" 

Your POV

"Open Your Eyes" It was the Hotel I met Louis, That meet & greet will always be my favorite memory.  "Let's Go!" HE said pullign me inside. We ran around the halls like kids and played in the elevators and on the thigns that carry the bags and took like a thousand pictures, And then we jumped into the pool forgetting we had clothes on  he pulled me close and kissed me and in that moment i knew that I could have a million bad days if I was promised they would all end as perfect ass this. "Now is your day so bad?" He asked pulling away. I shook my head smiling kissing him again.

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