I hate you for leaving me when I'm in love with you MADISON

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You could feel it in your bones when you woke up this morning, that today was the day. You either sink or swim.
Exactly a week from now your whole world was going states away for college while you still had three years of high school to finish. You guys have been avoiding the whole "what are we gonna do when we're thousands of miles apart" conversation completely. Haven't even hinted towards it once. You're phone buzzed as you finished blow drying your hair.
"Hey we're still on to hangout today, yeah?"
"Oh course" you texted back and got dressed.
Your phone buzzed again.
"Great see you in ten" he sent back
You quickly finished getting dressed and grabbed breakfast before you heard a ring at your doorbell and your mother greeting your boyfriend.
"Hey baby" he said walking into the kitchen,
"Ready?" You asked and he nodded
You guys were just walking around the park, talking and what not.
"You know I leave next week?" He asked. Here comes the hater topic you thought as you nodded.
"I'm gonna miss you so much" he said "I can't imagine what'll be like being away from you. it sounds like my worst nightmare" you chimed
"I know" he hummed "But our love keeps us strong, I'm not gonna lie to you I don't know how we're gonna do it but we are. I promise."
"You know how I feel about promises Madison"
"I know and I also know that I'm keeping this one"
"I love you like crazy"
"I love you too" he said pulling you close

Four months that's how long it's been since you've seen Madison. And here you are shaking with anxiety at the airport waiting for his plane to land.

"Y/N?" You heard someone call. You turned around and you two became every cheesy movie airport scene you've ever watched. You screamed running and jumping in his arms holding him close silently crying.
"Man I've missed you so much more than you know" he said lowly
"Please don't ever leave me again, I can't live without you" you cried
"I wouldn't if I could baby girl but now we have two full weeks of just us let's enjoy being with each other and worry about that when the time comes yeah?" He asked and you nodded.
As you guys headed to his house where you were dropping his stuff off before going out for dinner tonight.
"You look so amazing love" he hummed wrapping his arms around you as you finished your hair looking in the mirror.
"So do you babe" you replied
After dinner you guys went walking in that same park you made promises in.

"How's college life?" You asked
"It's alright but nothing like being here with you" he replied taking your hand in his
"It's so hard to function everyday without you babe" you said resting your head on his shoulder
"I know the feeling babe but we're gonna make it 2 1/2 years to go" he joked softly
"Don't remind me" you said coldly
"I know it's hard but we can do this" he reassured
"Madison are you sure?" You asked eyes watering
"More than I've ever been Y/N, you mean the world to me, I couldn't see myself happy without you."
"It would be a lot like it is now just without the title really" you argued

"Woah babe, look at me. Us, together, no matter what, that's our blue print. Are you okay? Talk to me."

"Madison, I hate you so much for leaving me when I'm in love with you"

"You don't mean that..." he said tears welling up in his eyes.
"I do, Madison I'm in so much pain without you and you seem perfectly fine" you said now crying
"Shhh shhhh baby I've cried too. I wake up in the mornings missing you like crazy as well but you know why I seem fine? Because every time I do, I think about the time I first saw you, your freshman year, you were completely lost and you looked like you were about to have a mental breakdown and you had the cutest frown on your face and I remember the time we first said "I love you" and all the cute moments inbetween. I love you too much, I love this too much to let you go. Y/N you're a part of me now I can't be without you" he said pulling you close
"I love you Madison" you whispered
"I love you too baby girl" he said kissing your forehead

A/N: This was so adorable. This is my apology for not updating in so long. I'm working on getting two different fan fifs published that are a little racey and I'm really excited about them. So keep an ear out 👂 for them. ILY guys more than summer ~ Kendra

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