Let Her Go - Most of the boyz

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Vinny:° Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go°

His POV: it's been a week but I haven't left my room. How did I possibly convince myself without her was what was best for me? I sit in my bed. Where I've been since that night. My phone died days ago..I locked my door to depressed to answer anyone who knocks on it. "Vin you can't sit here and cry over your mistakes you've gotta go fix them. You want your girl? Go get her" I heard Bianca say from the other side of the door. But she's gone. I thought.

Louis:°Only know you've been high when you're feeling low

Only hate the road when you're missin' home

Only know you love her when you let her go

And you let her go°

His POV: It's been a month since I've seen her and it's killing me. I thought ending our relationship would be best everyone told me long distance relationships were hard but knowing she's probably hurting as bad as I am right now is the worst pain I can imagine. I miss Jersey so much. I miss the way things used to be before everything got all complicated. I miss her. Her laugh. Her hugs. Her teasing. The way she looked in the morning. Everything. And I let my everything go. I'm so stupid.

Jason: °You see her when you close your eyes

Maybe one day you'll understand why

Everything you touch surely dies°

"Jason bro shut up" I heard Madison yell and I jolted awake.

"Thrid night in the row you yelling in your sleep "Y/N!, Y/N!" Bro she's gone died a long time ago let her go" he said aggravated. From the bunk above me. There was a cool silence I didn't know how to reply to that. After a moment he sighed. "I'm sorry man that was really harsh I'm just exhausted I know you're still trying to cope" he said. " I miss her everyday" I say before laying back down remembering the days where she used to lie with me.

Mikey: °Staring at the ceiling in the dark

Same old empty feeling in your heart

'Cause love comes slow and it goes so fast°

I got back home from L.A late tonight. I didn't bother unpacking or saying hey to anyone. I just crawled into bed even though I know I won't sleep. I stare at the ceiling and the pictures I had put up there of me and her for when I couldn't sleep at night. The ones I still haven't taken down. I can just make out our happy faces in my dark moon lit room. I felt the emptiness creep into me. But I'm used to it. Because that's the thing about pain it demands to be felt.

Madison:°Well you see her when you fall asleep

But never to touch and never to keep

'Cause you loved her too much and you dive too deep°

Clingy. I hated the word clingy but that's the last thing I heard from her. I sighed. I'm going on day three of no sleep. Sitting in my living room watching some infomercial I wasn't paying attention to because I was doing what I always do. Think of her. I called her phone I knew she wouldn't answer but I just wanted to hear her voicemail because I was in the background saying "And she Loves meee" . Justin came downstairs. "Madison go to sleep or I'm gonna knock you out" he says. " I know it's hard because you dream of her but they'll only stop if you sleep" he says. "The pain of being here alone is better than the pain of having her in my dreams and waking up without her" I say and he nods. "Than at least watch something meaningful?" I laugh and change the channel to Nemo. "She'll be back. Nobody can resist the Alamia!" He quietly exclaims heading back upstairs. I smile lightly and mutter I hope so.

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