John For Sydney

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You walked into the gates to Disney world. Dressed nicely in a pretty red sequined dress and sandals. You looked down at the card. "Your almost there just one more step, do you see the love of your life yet?" You looked up to John smiling. You ran into his arms kissing him. "Happy two year anniversary Baby girl" he said smiling at you.

Today he sent you all over town in a scavenger hunt and you finally found him.

" The surprises aren't over yet come on" he pulled you towards the Cinderella castle. The show was about to begin."Wait right here" he said. "Where are you going?" You asked. "You'll see" he said smiling and running off.

Soon the show started and Cinderella came out. "Hello everyone" she said smiling and waving. "If I'm correct" she continued once the crowd settled down. "There's another princess here that's been looking for her Prince charming all day. Is Sydney here?" You almost stopped breathing as you slowly raised your hand. "Come on up darling" she said. The crowd parted for you and you slowly walked up on stage. John came out. In a suit looking as handsome as ever."Oh and there he is!" Cinderella exclaimed. John got down on one knee and said. "Sydney you make every day bright and wonderful. I love you so much and you are my everything. I couldn't ever imagine a life without you. So to ensure that I don't. Sydney will you marry me?" Tears started streaming down your face. As the crowd started yelling yes. You nodded falling into his arms. As the crowd cheered. "I love you so much" he said kissing you as the fireworks went off.

You guys stepped off stage. A lot of people came up with congratulations and you guys are so cute. You thanked them all before walking hand and hand out the park. Sydney and John together until the end of time.

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