Doing it wrong•Prefence

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"When a good thing goes bad it's not the end of the world. It's just the end of a world that you had with one girl, And she's the reason it happened, but she's overreacting ,And it's all because she don't want things to change"

The opportunity of a lifetime......that was all the way across the country. You got a scholarship to a performing arts school all the way across the country. You and Mikey having been dating for two years made a decision to stay together, but not too long after Mikey said maybe you guys should go separate ways until you graduate. You were so upset about it.

"So cry if you need to, but I can't stay to watch you. That's the wrong thing to do. Touch if you need to, but I can't stay to hold you. That's the wrong thing to do. Talk if you need to, but I can't stay to hear you. That's the wrong thing to do"
You and Madison had dated on a whim randomly. You were both going through hard times and you didn't know each other well and it just kind of happened. So like any spontaneous relationship eventually you both admitted there was no real love there. You were just so scared to lose him because you did really care about him but you can't make a heart love if it doesn't.

"But I need someone different
You know it, Something's been missing, oh ho, she knows it, I know it, we all know it
I need someone different"
Always out of town, always working, always busy. When you and Vinny first started dating you thought you could handle it. "I love him more than the distance" you'd say when your friends asked how you did it, but over time it started taking it's toll on you and even though you didn't say anything, Vinny could tell. "You deserve someone who can be by your side and hold you when your falling apart and I need someone that love me enough that I'm with her no matter where I am" Those were Vinny's last words to you.

We live in a generation of not being in love, and not being together
But we sure make it feel like we're together
Because we're scared to see each other with somebody else.
You and Jason had been unhappy with your relationship for a while now. To be quite honest it was as good as over. You guys just couldn't imagine each other with different people. Seeing the other be happy with someone else would cause too much pain, you guys were the candid couple, that had been together forever. You were in too deep, to back out now.

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