Nick Mara For Destiny

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You put on your costume and quickly did your hair and make up. Tonight ICON was having there Chirstmas show. Geo Assigned you and Nick to dance to it's cold outside. To be honest you'd rather get hit by a car you and Nick have been eneimes since the third grade when he spilled  Glue all over your new dress. You sighed.

"FIVE MINUTES" Geo's assitant called. You walked to the curtains. Nick walked up next to you. 

"You alright?" he asked

"As good as i'll ever be dancing with someone I hate why do you ask butter fingers?" you replied you called him that since last month he was playing football with the boyz and the ball slipped right threw his hands and hit him in the face. He rolled his eyes. "You look nervous you never look nervous twinkle toes" He called you this because last year at the spring show you your shoe came off and you tripped. 

You gave him a mocking look beofre answering. " I'm a hip hop dancer this really isn't my style"

"Same Here" Nick said  As the annoucer Called. " Destiny and Nick  Dancing To It's cold Outside"

You and Nick walked out hand and hand. The music started and you guys started dancing. He led and it was almost magical. The music ended and you bowed as the annoucer said your names again. You walked off.

"Good job Twinkle toes" Nick said smiling at you

"Great lead Butter Fingers" You said smiling too.  "Iv'e always hated that  nickname" you said rolling your eyes.  He pulled you close and kissed you. "How bout I call you baby instead?"  You were shocked for a moment before smiling and say "Sure thing Butter FIngers"  Racing down the hall with Nick behind you.

Hope you liked it :)

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