Love Will Remember // Chris

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A/N: I'm trying something new again and so Y/N is famous in this one. I'd like to apologize for not updating. I was at camp and now I'm moving and Sunday I go to yet another camp. I've been exhausted but I'm gonna get some updates in before I go. And requests for personals are still open. that is all. ily guys more than summer ~ Kendra

"Hello and welcome to you won't believe it. I'm your host Bianca Sterling and today were here today with the amazingly beautiful and crazy talented Y/F/N." Your interviewer says introducing you

You smile towards the camera before turning towards her.
"You're too nice Bianca, thank you for having me." You reply

"Okay so first things first we have to talk your first tour. It's been blowing up all over social media, it looks amazing, but I have to ask how is it?"

"It's a ton fun. Definitely surpassed my expectations. My team and crew is absolutely amazing."

"Is it different being so young and away from home?"

"It's hard and weird. When I imagined being this age as a little girl. I imagined spending my summers being a reckless teen, I never imagined that I'd be touring the country and performing for thousands of fans." You answer and she nods

"I could only imagine. Now I know this is a sensitive topic, but this is YWBI so I must ask, are you over your current ex Chris?" She asks and you're whole facial expression changes at the mention of his name. The happy game face you had put on before the interview was completely gone. You and Chris had a mutual break up. Your lives just didn't fit together anymore and the more you tried to force it, the more inevitable it became.

"I-I don't think I'll ever really be over him. He was the light of my life and it's dark now. I...." Your voice fades out as the tears start pouring.

You're interviewer gets a remorseful look on her face as she tells the camera man to cut. You get up from your seat and walk away ignoring her calls for you.

You had done such a good job of putting it all together and all it takes is the mention of the situation for it all to come crumbling apart.

"Are you okay?" Your friend asks you when you get backstage and you shrug
"I really thought he was my forever. I planned my life with him in it and now it's hard to live the future out without him." you answer
And she nods.
"You're gonna wanna kill me for saying this, but I think you should talk to him. This is so unhealthy, you're extremely unhappy." she suggests
You think about it for a moment before picking up your phone and dialing his number. You had deleted it, but due to your long relationship you knew it by heart.
"Hello?" He asks picking it up
"Hey, I just tried to do an interview and they mentioned you and I just fell apart and I'm putting on the happy facade, but I'm not okay and I just thought telling you that would make it better." you say really quickly
"It kills me to know that you are doing just as bad as I am right now." he replies after a few moments of silence.
"It hurts so bad and I don't think it'll ever stop." You say crying again

"There's a place for us somewhere in forever Y/N. But right now is a horrible time for us and you know it. Don't let this get you down, you are becoming everything I knew you could be, now go back out there and kill that interview." He says and you give a small smile at his words
"Forever." you reply
"Forever." he says before you hang up, dry your tears, and walk back out to the interview.

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