Numb ❤️ Madison

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A/N: inspired by my life currently, cause school is stressing me out way more than usual and I'm having boy, friend, and family problems right now and I just want to quit life and live in a box and change my name to Steve. Ily guys more than summer ~ Kendra

It's early in the morning, the sun will be rising in a few hours and you're still awake. Your doorbell goes off and you get up to answer it.


"You don't sound like you were asleep." your boyfriend of three years says as he walks in your house.

"Cause I wasn't." You reply walking back to your bedroom with him following close behind. You climb back in your bed and he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.

Lately you guys have been very plain to each other. You've both been overly busy and stressed out and you've been depressed and the in love flame that you both once had just died.

"I love you." He says
"Do you mean that or are you saying that out of habit or need?" You ask
"Both." He replies starting an abrupt silence between the two of you.

"It's over isn't it." He says after a while and you shrug.

"I don't feel any emotions anymore. I don't enjoy doing what I used to love. I don't get excited for anything. I've lost my optimistic view of things I guess ." You admit and he nods his head in agreement

"Nothing makes since anymore. Not even us." He says

"Nothing is clear and I'm numb on the inside and I feel like giving up on everything, but I don't want to give up on you." You say

"Then don't." He replies and kisses your temple

Tears streak down your face as you finally allow yourself to fall apart.

"You're just human, baby girl." Madison says resting his head on your shoulder. "Life is too much for the best of us sometimes. We all feel like falling apart sometimes. Sometimes we all just want to give up and leave it all behind, but you are my Y/N and my Y/N doesn't give up. My Y/N can do it all. My Y/N is gonna change the world someday."

"I love you so much." You reply

"I love you now sleep I know you haven't been getting much of that." He says and you laugh lightly

"Only if you stay with me." You say

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else Princess."

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