Tatyana & Jason

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You and Jason have been friends for a few weeks. You didn't know this but he has mad feelings for you. You just got out of a really heart breaking realationship and you really didn't want to love ever again. Today you and Jason are just walking around Santa Monica's beach hanging out and what not.

You slipped Jason's phone out of his pocket and started a bee line for the water. You dropped his phone in the sand before you got to the water but he thought you had his phone so he ran after you.

He picked you up and threw you in the water once he realised you didn't have his phone. After you both stopped laughing. He asked.

"Where's my phone?" You pointed back on land. He nodded smiling

"Good one" You guys got out of the water and decided to get ice cream. It was now sunset.

"Tatyana Can I tell you something?" He asked. You nodded.

"I really like you..you know as in more than friends" He said.

You were shocked for a moment. He knew how you felt about dating at the moment but to be truthfull you felt the same.

"Me too...." You said.

His eyes lit up in a way you would soon learn to love and he kissed with lips you would learn to love too. Because Jason Was gonna teach you how to love all over again.

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