Not Going | Louis

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"I'm not going." You say for the fifth time in the last ten minutes
"Why not?" He whines
"Because your sister hates me."
"She doesn't hate you! She hardly knows you which is why you should come."
"I'm not going to your sisters wedding when she hates me Louis!" You exclaim
"Well if you don't go, then I'm not going." He puffs out
"Louis you can't miss your sisters wedding! You're in the wedding party. You definitely have to go, she'll be so devastated if you don't go." You argue and he just shrugs not really listening to you
"Louis, you're gonna be late if you don't get dressed!" You whine
"I'm not going without you." He presses and you roll your eyes
"Fine, but if your sister shows any distress about my presence then I'm leaving." You say defeated and he smiles
"Hey baby brother!" Angelica chimes as she hugs Louis and you awkwardly try to act like you're invisible.

"Congrats, You look so beautiful sis." Louis says grabbing your hand and making your presence noticeable

"Oh. Hi." Angelica says to you and you mutter a quiet hello

"Oh my gosh it's Vinny! I haven't seen him in forever I'm gonna go say hi." Louis says leaving you with his newly wed sister. You're about to slowly follow behind him when she grabs your hand.

"Look Y/N I know it seems like I don't like you, but the last girl really hurt Louis. I've never seen him look so broken and when you first met he'd come home and talk about you all the time, he still does matter of a fact. He was so deeply infatuated. He's in love with you and I'm just kinda worried that I'm gonna have to hold my baby brother as he cries for another endless amount of nights."

"I know how bad she hurt him Ang and trust me the love that he feels for me isn't unrequited. I love that boy with all of my heart and I have no notion for hurting him again." You reply. She smiles and hugs you.

"Now go be happy." She says

"Your one to talk! It's your wedding day, go find your man." You say giving her a shoo motion as she walks away laughing.

"May I have this dance, my lovely lady." Louis asks coming up behind you. You laugh and nod as he takes your hand.

"I love you Y/N." He says kissing your shoulder

"I love you too Louis."

ICONic Boyz ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon