Wendy & Mikey

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It was late three am in the morning and you got a call from nicolette. You answered quickly.

"Hello Is there something wrong?"

"SSHHHHH listen" She whispered.

"Wendy is my everything" You heard mikey mumur he's asleep.

You heard Nicolette laugh.

"I love her so much, I don't know what I would do without her" He continues Snoring after.

"I hate that she doesn't think she's as perfect as she is. She's wonderful."

"I love you to Mikey" You yelled

You heard Mikey jolt awake.

"Nicolette? What are you doing in here? Who's on the phone?" He asked

"Night Mike" She said leaving his room

"I recoreded the conversation send it to you later"

"Okay Thanks Nikki" You said

"No problem Mrs. Fusco" she replied

You went backt to sleep with a permanet smile on your face.

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