°Madison for Belle

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Tears filled your eyes as you pulled back from the hug. Madison put on a small smile.

"Hey you'll always be my snow blue" he called you that because of your blue eyes and you were his princess, tears dropped from his eyes now too. You kissed one more time before watching him get in the car and pull away. Five years down the drain. You spent five years of your life with him. You guys just decided to end it. You grew apart. He cheated and you argued all the time. It was a dark bitter sweet relationship that soon became just bitter. You walked inside your apartment that now feels so empty , dark , and cold. You put on a shirt he'd left behind. Your favorite one. You layed in your bed and cried. He was your first love. Your everything.

It's been two months since you and Madison spilt up. You cried for nearly two weeks non stop. You still think about him every day and everything you do reminds you of him. He's found somebody else. He seems happy and that's all you ever wanted for him. Even though it pains you every time you see them out together. Today your with your friends getting coffee when him and his new girlfriend walked in. He looked at you and gave a longing look and a small smile. You smiled back and turned back to your friends. You tried to a avoid looking at them but his girlfriend had this extremely annoying laugh that caught your attention. Soon your friends suggested you go. When you walked past them Madison stopped you. "Hey have you met Emily?" You shook your head smiling at her. "Hi I'm Belle, an old friend of Madison's." She smiled back. "Nice to meet you" you shook hands. "Same I have to go but nice seeing you two, your a lovely couple" you said following your friends out the shop. You felt your heart break into a thousand pieces. Getting over him is one of the hardest things you've ever done.

Later that night you were in bed thinking of Madison. You haven't got much sleep these past few weeks. You heard a knock at your door. You ran down stairs and opened the door. It was Madison. "Oh uh he-" . You got cut off by his lips. He pulled back. He had tears in his eyes. "Belle I haven't slept in two months, every day I think of you, and every time I'm with Emily I wish it was you. I miss you please forgive me I can't take it" You pulled him inside and kissed him again. "I love you Madison Alamia" you said. "I love you too" he said pulling you in a hug.

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