Photograph// Madison

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A/N: Definitely in love with this song. That is all. Ily you guys more than summer ~ Kendra

"Five days, 14 hours, 7 seconds, 8 seconds, 9 seconds.." Your counting was interrupted by your front door opening  and your boyfriend of five years came in your room shortly after that.

"That's definitely a record, I was almost worried you weren't gonna show up." You joke and he playfully rolls his eyes at you as he crawls into your bed and wraps his arms around your waist.

"I honestly forgot what we were arguing about." He states and you laugh
"I think it was who forgot to do the dishes or something." You say and he chuckles

"Oh yeah you got mad cause I said that cleaning was a women's job anyway."

"You're a dork Madison Alamia."

"But this dork loves you a lot" he replies kissing your temple

"We're so complicated, but you make me feel alive and I know when I'm with you, I'll always feel like that sixteen year old girl that lived on your block and how young she felt when she kissed you at the lamp post." You say

"Love is the only thing we take us when we die after all."

"Do we take it with us or does it conquer death?"


"Who did you stay with this time?" You ask yawning and laying your head on his chest

"Louis." He replies chuckling and softly playing with your hair

"Oh wow, did he make you clean his shoes?" You joke and he lightly punched your arm

"I don't think I've looked forward to anything more than I'm looking forward to growing old with you."

"I love you too Madison" you say as you doze off

"If I could stay right here forever, I wouldn't hesitate." Madison sighs before falling asleep as well

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