Keep Me Close ❤️ Mikey

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Your P.O.V

I silently and slowly zipped up my last suit case, piling it up with the other few at the door. I looked one last time at the boy that I love the most. The one that used to love me back. I thought about all those times we would sit at the private pier and talk until midnight sometimes. He could open me up like a book. But that boy's gone. The one that's been around lately is not the one I would sit with at the pier. This boy never comes home, this one starts arguments and flirts with other girls and hasn't looked me in the eye in months. This one rolls his eyes when I say I love him when he thinks I'm not looking and tears me down in front of his friends. And that is why I'm staring at the boy that used to love me with tears in my eyes because I know leaving is mandatory but so much harder than it looks.

I took my bags and started down the stairs as quietly as I could but the wheels on one slipped and went tumbling down the stairs spilling it's contents everywhere. I cursed under my breathe hoping that didn't wake Mikey quickly trying to pick up everything. I guess in the midst I didn't hear our door open because the next thing I heard was his raspy sleeping voice I used to love ask "what are you doing?"

I looked up wide-eyed. "Umm going to the store random sweet tooth" I said. "With all your stuff?" He asked sounding more awake and mad. I didn't know what to say so I kind of just stared at the things in my hands. "why?" He asked and then it was my turn to be mad. "Don't even ask a question like that. Why? Maybe because you're never home or that you flirt with other girls, that you can't look me in the eyes or maybe it's the fact that you treat me like an annoying fan." Out of no where tears started flowing from my eyes again. "Or maybe it's the thought that I'm crazy in love with a boy that used to love me" I said sobbing. It was his turn to be silent. After a while he broke the silence. "I'm not gonna say I'm sorry or try to justify myself cause I know that that's the last thing you wanna here right now but I am gonna say is picturing going to sleep or waking up in the morning without you sounds heart breaking to me which is why even if it's three in the morning I come back every night. That I couldn't imagine years down the line marrying or having kids with any other girl but you. That no matter what I can't let you leave me tonight because if you do I'll fall apart at the hinges because I'm already broken if you can't tell and the only thing holding me together is knowing at the end if the day I can just hold you" he said tears now coming out of his eyes too. "And if you think for one second I love you any less than that day I first told you so on the pier you are so wrong. Please if you don't talk to me for a week or if I have to go and buy you the whole mall tomorrow or I have to get on one knee and propose to you right now please just come back to bed with me I'll never sleep without you" I looked at him seeing a somber calm side of him I haven't seen in so long. The boy from the pier. I ran into his arms and he held me so tight I thought he'd never let go. "Keep me close and never let go cause I'll fall apart at the hinges too if you ever really do" I whispered. "Trust me I'll never really want to and hey next time try talking to me before you think making my whole life flash before my eyes" he said smiling. "I will now let's go get some sleep you dork" I said kissing him. " I love you princess" he said as we walked back into our room. "I love you too"

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