It was always her // Louis

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"I wanted it to be different." He says piercing the thick silence

"You're just a confused little boy that couldn't make up his mind. I think it sucks that she dumped you, but I'm not your back up plan." You reply

"I loved you more than you could ever imagine." He says

"Past tense. You love me past tense." You laugh sarcastically "I'll leave her and we'll be happy." You say mocking him

"I was stupid. I played games and lost both of them." He says tears in his eyes

"You never really loved me Louis. I was second choice, it was always her. She's the one that met your parents and moved in with you and she's the one you flaunted and showed off. I was just that girl that you called when your whole world was falling apart or you were bored." You reply your voice leaking with hurt.

"I used you and I lost you and I'm sorry and I deserve everything you're saying." He says crying now

"Would it still be her?" You ask

"What do you mean?" He replies looking up at you

"If you could do it all over again, would it still be her?" You ask and he shakes his head

"Cause if I really loved her I wouldn't have stood up at night thinking about how your eyes look when the sun hits them or how cute your little snores are or how I wish it would've been you." He admits kissing you lightly and you sigh shaking your head, crying now too.

"But it was always her."

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