Stars and the morning sky•Jason

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Your P.O.V
We sat and watched the last sun set of the summer go down. I'd be on a plane back home in two hours. I never want to leave L.A. I never wanna leave him. I probably won't see him again until thanks giving. That's months away. " Hey, don't be too sad , we still had the most crazy summer" Jason said and I nodded & smiled. I remember when I first met Jason's grandmother she told me we reminded her of a favorite poem of hers when she was our age called the stars & the morning sky.

I loved you like the stars loved the morning sky.
It was crazy
It was ironic
It was uncommon
But it was perfect in a sense.
A beautiful dream.
But that's the thing it's just a dream
The stars and the morning sky could never be together
Their destructive almost
Their opposites
Their both wonderfully beautiful
But they are harmful to each other when together
They can always be neighbors
They can share the sky together
And they can clash just before dawn
But before you know it the suns rising and the stars are gone
Because their opposites.

And I remember thinking how crazy that was but now I know exactly what she meant. Me and Jason are opposites. We live on opposite sides of the country. We have opposite opinions. We have opposite dreams but it's too late. There's no turning back now. He's my life line ,my everything. I love him. So if were destructive together...i'm ready to make a mess. " I love you y/n" he said "I love you to Jason" I said as we walked back to His,Mikey and Madison's house hand in hand.

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