Chapter 2

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"What line do you want to go through?" Arizona asked, heading into the cafeteria.

"Um, isn't it all one line?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah...I guess somedays I just skip around to what I want to eat," Arizona said, blushing. I giggled and grabbed her hand as I took her to the salad line. She smiled at me and created her salad, and I followed. I paid, and then followed her to a table and sat down next to her, as I saw my mom, and waved.

"Hi, honey, how has your day been?" Mom asked, sitting next to me.

"It's been a magical day. I'm loving peds," I said.

"That's so great to hear. I'm happy to see that you're getting to know Arizona. I'm going to eat with dad, if you want to join, you're more than welcome too," she said. I smiled as she kissed my cheek and left as I turned my attention to Arizona.

"What?" I said, looking at her.

"I love how close you are with your parents," she said.

"I love them with my whole heart. I always wished I would have a sibling, but I ended up being the only child. I have younger cousins, so I just try to always try to spend time with them," I said.

"Zola, Bailey, and Elis, right?" She asked.

"Yes. I have dinner with them once a week, and it's always eventful," I laughed. Arizona smiled at me, and I could feel my cheeks turning red. "So, what do we have for the rest of the day," I asked.

"Well since the big surgery is out of the way, we are taking more blood from Jonathon to run labs. Doing evening rounds, and keeping a close eye on Brooklyn," Arizona said.

"Any other cases, or new kids?" I asked.

"Depends on the ER," she said. I smiled, and heard our pagers, and ran after her to the elevator as we made it to Brooklyn's room.

"She just started power puking," Brooklyn's dad said. I nodded, getting a bucket, cleaning her up. Arizona took some blood to test, and I ran it to the labs and waited for the results. While waiting I saw Leah and waved.

"Hi Leah, how is your day going?"

"Fine, just waiting for labs," she grumbled. I nodded, and got handed Brooklyn's labs, and paged Arizona right away, meeting her at the nurse's station.

"That's what I thought," Arizona said.

"What's that?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Her blood sugar is way up meaning they fed or gave her something sugary to drink. That's going to make her vomit after waking up from anesthesia," she explained. I followed her into Brooklyn's room, as Brooklyn was back asleep. "So, I just want to make it clear to you, and the nurses will know too. I don't want anything going into her system other than water. Her blood sugar is elevated, and that means that she had something too sugary. Mixing with the anesthesia, and the surgery, she will vomit. I want to make sure that doesn't happen because it can make this transplant irrelevant," she said, making straight eye contact with her parents.

"We're sorry Dr. Robbins, she said she was thirsty. It was what I had on me," the mom explained. Arizona nodded, and we walked out of the room, as she handed the nurse Brooklyn's chart.

"Alright Ella, so you're on call for Brooklyn's room. If they need anything, your pager will go off. I'm going to help Alex here, and so you're on your own for a bit, don't do anything I wouldn't do," she yelled, wheeling away. I took a breather looking around. I decided to practice my wheeling up and down the hallway, and ran into Aria, falling over.

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