Chapter 36

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I was annoyed that she showed up. I didn't think that she would especially after today. I get her apology, but really? Like you called my name and then just stood there, as I was helpless. She could have even used my crutches for a weapon. I don't get it.

"Come on, you have to dance," April yelled into the kitchen. Arizona looked at me and I nodded.

"Go, dance. I'll be fine," I said, as I followed her out of the kitchen. I was drinking from her wine glass as my dad walked up, taking the glass, and I heard a slow song come on, as Arizona walked up to me.

"I'm not dancing without my bride," she said, kissing my cheek. I wiped my tears and smiled at her as she held her hands out to me.

"How am I supposed to dance?" I asked.

"Rest your cast on my foot, and then step with the other. We'll do this together," she said. I took her hands, as I rested my foot on hers, and wrapped my arms around her neck. I rested my head against hers, as she wrapped her arms around my back tightly. We never discussed a love song, but I knew when I heard this song that it was the one. "I know that I'll be a mess...the second that I see you..." she sang to me. I smiled, and kissed her cheek, and looked around to see others dancing with us. I rested my head on her shoulder as we slowly turned around to the whole song.

"That was so beautiful," April said, grabbing onto my hands. I smiled as she was drunk and held onto her as she slowly swung me around. "I love you, El Belle, I'm so happy for you two," she said. I smiled hugging her, and I kissed her cheek, as I turned to see my mom, taking her hands, and I held onto her as she danced around with me. I rested my head on her shoulder and took in her presence as she kissed my head. I felt my dad's arms as he joined in on the dance and I teared up as we danced around.

"I love you both so much," I said.

"We love you," they said at the same time. The song ended, and I grabbed Meredith, as she turned and smiled at me. She wrapped her arms around me, dancing as she was drunk, and laughing.

"Shot of tequila?" I nodded and took a glass as we cheered and took the shot together. Arizona saw us finishing the shot and shook her head. I then looked over at April as she was singing with an empty bottle of wine, she was the life of the party every time. Meredith turned as Amelia grabbed onto my arms.

"Hi there dear, how are you?" She asked.

"Good, and tipsy," I said.

"Haha, I see that. Dance?" She asked. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around her neck and just held onto her as Arizona walked over.

"El, you okay?" I nodded, and just held onto Amelia tightly as they smiled at me. "Being were right here, Amelia, will you be our bridesmaid?" Arizona asked. I lifted my head, smiling, and looked at Amelia as she nodded her head.

"I would love to be your bridesmaid, I'm honored to be," she said, kissing my head, and hugging the both of us. April grabbed onto Arizona and dragged her out to the dance floor as Amelia and I sat on the couch. I snuggled up to Amelia as she just wrapped her arms around me. She noticed tears falling down my cheeks and wiped them away and leaned her head to mine. "Ella, talk to me, what's wrong?" She whispered. 

"I have so many questions, and I don't have any answers," I cried.

"What's wrong?" She asked, moving the hair out of my face.

"Why did he come for me? What did I do for him to try to take me? Why did Callie just stand there? She apologized, but I don't know how to accept her apology... Amelia...she.... she kissed me in x-ray.... after calling me a hoe," I cried.

"Shh...I got you...I think you're done drinking for the night," she said. I slightly giggled, and just wrapped my arms around her neck as she kissed my cheek. "You don't have to accept anyone's apology that you don't want to, no matter what anyone says. You have a right to your own feelings. I don't know how he found you, but trust me, he won't be back. You won't be alone in the hospital anymore, someone will always be around you," she said.

"It's because of me that women can't leave alone anymore," I cried.

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