Chapter 12

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I was getting discharged today. I was in the hospital for a week, I was bored, but I knew they were watching my lung. I had a fractured ankle, and there was a cast on it, so it made laying down even more uncomfortable. Arizona slept here with me at night but had to work during the day. I could tell how worried Arizona was about me. My mom and dad visited me every day before and after surgeries. Sometimes I would wake up to my dad sleeping in the chair. I could tell something was wrong with dad, but I didn't understand why. Aria visited me at least once a day, but I never saw Tyler.

"Ella, you're leaving," Aria said, walking in.

"I'll be back," I said.

"I know, but I won't have a lunch buddy," she said, sitting on the bed. I smiled, putting my arm around her.

"Thank you for being here each day," I said.

"Of course, Tyler and you have been my only friends," she said.

"Where is Tyler?" I asked.

"Neuro with Amelia. They have had a big case going on, and every time he came to visit you; you were sleeping. He would sit with you for a while, and then he would go home," she explained.

"I feel bad, where is he now?" I asked. We looked up, watching him walk in. I got up on my right foot, and I hobbled over to him, hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry I was never awake, how are you?" I asked as he helped me sit down.

"I'm good, I'm happy you're alive," he said. I nodded in agreement and felt their arms around me as Arizona walked in.

"Ready El?" She asked. I nodded and smiled at them.

"You're staying with a resident?" Tyler asked.

"You don't know?" I asked in confusion.

"I do, just had to mess with you," he said. I shook my head, hugging them again as they left. I got up on my right foot, as Arizona rushed to my side.

"I'm good," I said.

"You scared me," she said. I smiled, placing my hand on her cheek, crashing our lips together.

"Thank you," I said, as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Let's get you home," she said, kissing my cheek. I smiled, sitting in the wheelchair, and she wheeled me out, as mom and dad walked over to me.

"We can always come and bring you out to lunch or something, okay? Text me if you need anything," mom said, kissing my cheek. I nodded, as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you El, be good," he laughed, and I rolled my eyes as he hugged me tightly.


I got Ella to the car, and helped her buckle, as I sneaked a kiss, and then hopped in the driver's seat, and drove us back to my apartment. I was thankful it was modern and had an elevator.

"Arizona," she said.

"What's up El?" I asked.

"How am I going to get up your stairs?" I asked.

"There's an elevator," I said, looking over at her. I could tell she was nervous about the healing process. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"My dad was just...not himself," she explained. I squeezed her hand, and parked, as I opened her door. She had crutches and hated them. I helped her out, grabbing her bag, and then swooped her up in my arms, as she squealed. "Arizona?!" she exclaimed.

"I got you, I'm not going to make you use those deathtrap things," I laughed. She smiled, and kissed my cheek, as I carried her to the elevator. She was so much lighter than I thought. I set her down and wrapped my arms around her, as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you," I said, kissing her forehead. The door opened, and I swooped her up in my arms again, setting her down by my door, down the hall. I unlocked my door, and she insisted on using the crutches, and then stopped by the couch, sitting down. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"These are a death trap, I feel like I am breathing too hard," she said. I put her bag down, kneeling by her side.

"Look at me," I said, grabbing her hands. She looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I smiled at her. "Take a deep breath with me," I said. We took a few deep breaths together, and she put her head into her hands, as I sat by her, putting my hand on her back. "Everything is going to be okay," I said. I was worried about her. She was such a confident girl, and this really brought her down, it broke my heart.

"Can we go to your room?" She asked.

"Of course," I said, helping her up. "Hop on my back," I said. She smiled, hopping on my back, and I walked her to our bedroom, setting her down on the bed. I went and grabbed her bag and brought it to the room along with some water. I turned around as she was changing into a bralette. "Oh, hi," I said, lying beside her. She shook her head as she nuzzled into my side. I turned the television on and just wrapped my arms around her.

"April has barely said a word to me, and my dad isn't acting himself. What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know how to tell you why they are so scared," I explained. She sat up, looking at me, and I knew I should have kept quiet, but I knew she also deserve/d the truth. 

Author's Note: I"m sorry for posting a day late. Added an extra chapter for you guys. Thank you so much for reading my stories! Love all your support!

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