Chapter 61

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"Let's go kiddo," Amelia said. I nodded, walking behind Amelia. I was so exhausted, and I didn't know that this was possible. Amelia drove me home, and helped me up into the apartment, seeing how tired I was.

"Thank you, Amelia," I said.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, worriedly, helping me under the covers. I looked over at her and took a deep breath in. It couldn't hurt telling one person. I knew Arizona would understand.

"You can't tell anyone, please," I said.

"Ella, what's wrong?" Amelia asked.

"I'm pregnant, I am 5 weeks along today. I have been very exhausted and sick. Carina told me to take the rest of the day off," I explained.

"I can tell you're not yourself. I'm very happy for you though," Amelia said. I smiled and nodded.

"Do you have to leave?" I asked.

"No, I'm free today, are you sure everything's okay?" Amelia asked.

"I just don't' want to be alone," I said, wiping my tears.

"Aw, honey," Amelia said, climbing into bed next to me. She wrapped her arm around me, covering me up. "I'm right here. Auntie cuddles to the rescue," she said. I giggled a bit, putting my arm on hers.

Truth is, ever since the last night in Greece, I've had nightmare after nightmare. They are so vivid, and I didn't know if it was true or not. It was with Aria, and the baby, and I just hated being alone. It's why I protested leaving the hospital. If I was there, I could page Arizona and hope she could come to sit for a minute, but she also has surgery today. I felt bad not for telling her, but I was already worrying her about getting sick so often with this baby.

"Go to sleep my love, I got you," Amelia said, kissing my head. I was thankful that Aunt Amelia was here. She always knew how to make me feel better.

A few hours later, I woke up, stretching out to see Amelia fast asleep next to me. I heard the door, and sat up, to hear footsteps walking in. I looked at the door, and then saw Arizona, and let out a breath I was holding in.

"Hi gorgeous, how was your nap?" Arizona asked.

"Great, Amelia and I just snuggled and fell asleep," I said. Arizona smiled knowing how much my family meant to me.

"I brought dinner home, would you like anything?" She asked. I nodded, rubbing Amelia's arm, waking her up.

"Hmm?" She mumbled.

"It's dinner time," I laughed.

"It's already that late? Crap, I have a date with Link," she said.

"Just go take something of mine, I'll help," I said. Amelia nodded, getting into one of my dresses, and I helped with her hair while she fixed up her makeup. "Have a good night, thank you again, I love you," I said, hugging her.

"I love you too, feel better," she said, kissing my cheek. I smiled and locked the door behind her and walked over to the kitchen, seeing Arizona filling our plates up. I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder.

"Did you tell her?" Arizona asked.

"She knows I'm pregnant, yes. There is something that you don't know of, and I don't think I can hide it anymore," I said.

"What's that baby?" Arizona asked, putting her hands on mine.

"Yes the pregnancy is one of the reasons I haven't slept well, but on top of that I've had nightmare after nightmare since we got home from Greece," I said.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked, turning around.

"I felt stupid. I didn't understand. The baby is healthy, there is no reason to have nightmares," I said.

"What is it about?" She asked.

"Aria, her uncle, losing the baby, I can't quite put everything together, but I wake up almost screaming every time," I said. Arizona wrapped her arms around me, rubbing my back, while I rested my head on her shoulder. I felt safe around family. I knew that I'd be okay, especially if I rested as Carina suggested.

"Let's have dinner," she said. I nodded and sat down at the table across from her and took a few bites. I was starting to feel better, but I still felt off.

A few days went by, and I was finally cleared to go back to work. The dizzy spells had stopped, and I was sleeping better at night, and I was eating everything on my plates. I was happy to be back at work with my mom, and wife. I loved saving tiny humans, and I loved helping anyone in need.


It had been a few months since the whole exhaustion and nightmare situation that I was helping Ella through. I was really hoping that the rest of her pregnancy would go well. Everyone in the hospital now knew that she was expecting, and they were all so happy for us. She was 24 weeks now, and I couldn't wait to meet our little prince. I had been working extra hours to try to keep El off her feet, but that never stopped her. We both made sure we had a date night each week to also put self-care into place.

"Incoming trauma, 5-year-old girl, coughing up blood, severed toe, broken ribs," April said. I helped wheel her into trauma bay 2 and started addressing her wounds. I saw scars from previous wounds, and then looked at her toe, and stopped it from bleeding.

"We need to get her in the OR, now!" I yelled. April nodded, and we hurried her to the OR. April, Meredith, and I opened the girl up right away, and I also had a few interns in there with us who were watching. Meredith was working on the ribs, while I was working on the toe, and April was helping Meredith figure out what she was coughing blood up for. This surgery was still going on after 4 hours. We were trying to fix the rest of her insides when Amelia ran in.

"Arizona, it's Ella, she's..."

"What's wrong?" I shot my head back, looking at Amelia. She had tears down her face, and I turned around, looking at April, and she nodded, okaying me to leave. I ripped my gear off, scrubbing out, and tried to take a deep breath. "Amelia, please," I said.

"Just follow me," Amelia said. I ran after, her and stopped when we came to a hospital room.

"Jo? Alex? What happened?" I cried, seeing El hooked up to a machine.

"Alex," Jo cried.

"Arizona, she was shot, Callie caught who did it, and she's being charged, but." Alex looked down, wiping his tears. "She lost the baby," Alex cried. I looked at him, and fell to the floor, crying. Jo walked over to me, hugging me, and I cried into her shoulder. Who could do this to El?

"Arizona, Amelia," Callie said out of breath.

"Callie, what are you doing here?" Alex said.

"It, it was Aria," Callie said, wiping her tears. "I heard the gunshot, and ran and called for a nurse to get El, while I got security, I'm so sorry, is, is the baby, okay?" Callie asked. Alex shook his head no, and I buried my head in my hands, while Jo had her arm wrapped around my back. 

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