Chapter 23

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We finally got to leave that room; I couldn't stand being in there anymore. I was happy that I told Arizona, I wasn't trying to hide what happened, I just couldn't even process that it happened. I didn't understand why. I crutched right by Arizona's side as she held onto the papers. We were walking across the floor, as Bailey walked up to us.

"Ella, nice to see you. How is everything?" She asked.

"It's still healing. I should have no cast in 2 weeks," I said.

"That's so good to hear, and your breathing? She asked.

Much better, I'm very thankful for everyone's hard work. Talking about work, I was hoping I could come back and do something? I'm slightly losing my mind at home,' I said.

"I think we could figure something out. I know charts are needing to be caught up. I'll see you Monday, okay?" She asked.

"See you Monday," I said.

"Happy to see you back," she said.

"Bailey wait," Arizona said.

"What's up Robbins? I have surgery," Bailey said.

"I just wanted to share the news with you, were engaged," Arizona said. We watched Bailey's facial expression, and smiled, as we held our hands out.

"The rings are so beautiful, I'm so happy for you two, I'd love to chat more, but I do have to go. See you both on Monday," Bailey said. I smiled and turned to Arizona as she kissed my nose.

"Can you grab my pager?" I asked. Arizona handed me my pager, and I paged both my parents, as we met them in the cafeteria. Arizona pulled out the chair for me, and we sat down, waiting for my parents to meet us.

"What's up?" My dad asked sitting down.

"We need mom here too," I said.

"She's coming," he said, as mom sat down next to dad, and they both looked at us, as Arizona smiled at me.

"We have news," Arizona said. My mom already knew and smiled as dad looked as us.

"Were engaged," I said, holding out our hands. My dad got up, as he hugged us tightly.

"I'm so happy for you two, I love you both so much," he said, kissing our heads. I laughed as he just held onto me.

"Dad?" I asked.

"I'm just so happy for you. I'm sad that my baby girl is all grown up, but I couldn't be happier," he said holding me.

"I love you, thank you for everything," I said, as I kissed his cheek, and then stood up as mom walked over hugging us.

"I'm so happy for you girls. You're already our favorite daughter-in-law," mom said. I smiled at Arizona as she wiped her tears.

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

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