Chapter 28

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I could tell that Ella was uneasy about telling my parents about the accident, I know how hard healing has been with the way people reacted to the accident. I was happy with how my mom responded, and just hoped that the subject would change.

"Do you have any dates in mind?" My dad asked. I looked at Ella and smiled as I could read what she was telling.

"Ella?" I asked.

"I was thinking in May. She said, looking at me. I smiled, as it was the first time we went out.

"May 21st?" I asked. She nodded, wrapping her arm around my waist.

"The day of our first date, one of the best days of my life," Ella said.

"You girls are too adorable," my mom said. I nodded in agreement, kissing Ella's cheek.

"Aw, did you just confirm your date with us?" My dad asked.

"We did," Ella said, beaming over at me.

"I'm so excited for you girls, are you having a big wedding?" Mom asked.

"Well, I mean we want to invite everyone important to us, and a lot of our friends work at the hospital, so I imagine it will be a bit bigger?" I said, looking over at Ella.

"Yeah, I mean most of our friends and who we consider family is at the hospital, other than you guys of course," I smiled.

"Your too sweet Ella. I can't wait until wedding planning is more in action, if you need any help, please reach out to us," my mom said.

"Of course, I'll need your help looking for a dress," I said. Ella smiled at me, and took a few bites of food, as we finished our meals. We paid our tabs, as we got up and walked to the parking lot together. Ella was behind us, as I tried to wait up for her. I noticed my dad by her and continued talking with my mom as we got to my car.

"It was nice to meet you, Ella, I hope we can get together more often and when you're out of that cast. I'm praying for a fast recovery," my dad said.

"Thank you, Daniel, I agree, I hope we can get together again soon. It was a pleasure meeting the both of you," Ella said, hugging my dad, and mom.

"Rest when you get home honey, make sure Arizona attends to you," my mom winked.

"Haha, thank you Barb," Ella said, leaning on my car.

"I love you, mom and dad, I'll call you," I said, hugging them.

"We love you both, have a good night," they said, waving, as I helped Ella into the car. 


Arizona helped me into the car, and put the crutches in the back seat, as I felt the love. I was happy we picked a date, and I was happy that I could start looking for a dress.

"I can't believe we just picked a date, I'm so excited," she said.

"I am too, I love that date. It's perfect," I smiled.

"Did you want bridesmaids?" She asked.

"Of course, it wouldn't be a wedding without. April will obviously be your maid of honor, but I was thinking that we could ask her to help plan the wedding?" I asked.

"She would love that. I'm assuming Aria?" She asked.

"Yes, I just...I don't know if I want her as my maid of honor. Were close, but not as close as you and April. I don't want my mom as my maid of honor. Oh my gosh my aunt Meredith," I said.

"Aw, that would be adorable. I can't wait to share the news; we should have a dinner party. Meredith's?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll ask her in the morning, I'm assuming she's putting the kids down," I said, looking over at her. We were already parked at the apartment, and I was sore from all the movement today, who knew crutching was so exhausting.

"I'll carry you, you're not crutching," she said, smiling at me. I nodded, as I pulled her in for a kiss.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said, walking around to my side, helping me out. I hopped to the back of the car, as she grabbed my crutches, and I carried them as she carried me to the elevator. We were the only ones on, as I rested my hands on her hips, kissing her neck. "El..." she whispered. 

Ella KarevWhere stories live. Discover now