Chapter 25

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ELLA'S POV       

"Sounds so romantic, I'm happy that it went so well. Will I be invited to the wedding?" She asked, laughing.

"Aunt Amelia, of course, you will be. It's only been a few days; we haven't discussed anything really. We've just taken it in," I said. Amelia nodded, seeing a new cast.

"Ella, can I sign your cast?" I nodded and smiled as she signed the cast, handing the sharpie back to Link. "I'm going to go eat some lunch with Link, I'll see you later bug, I love you," she said, hugging me.

"I love you too," I said. She left and turned the light off as I curled up into a ball, falling asleep.


I was directing where the kids were going, and I was pulled into trauma room 2. I felt like I was having a panic attack. I hadn't been in here since Ella got hurt, and I didn't understand what was happening.

"GSW to the chest, contusion to the head, blood pressure dropped on the ride over," the paramedic said.

"Thank you, we got it," I said. I looked over at Alex and tried to calm myself down.

"Robbins? Are you good?" He asked. I shook my head no, and we moved the boy on the table. I tried to just focus on his injuries as Schmidt brought him to the OR, so Alex and I could scrub. "What's up? What's wrong?" He asked, scrubbing next to me.

"I haven't been in the ER, near that trauma room since the accident...I just remember you and I crying, and just..." I started crying, as he stopped and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm right here, and Ella is right upstairs in an on-call room. She's okay. Were here together we can do this," he said, choking on his own tears. "I haven't been in there since either," he said. I nodded, as we re-scrubbed, and headed into the OR. We got the bullet out and made sure that all the fragments were out of his body. Alex started closing as the patient coded, and we noticed that he started bleeding out.

"We had that, we had that!" I yelled, going into the scrub room. I felt angry, why was there a gun in a bus crash?

"Robbins, I'm going to go tell the parents," he cried. I shook my head, as I got up, and we walked out there together. "Parents of Luke Graham?" Alex said. I saw a mom running over and choked down my tears.

"Please tell me he's okay, please..." She cried.

"Your son had a GSW to the chest, we did everything we could, I'm so sorry," I said. She cried into my chest, as I tried not to cry with her.

"Noo..." She screamed.

"We cleaned him up if you'd like to see him?" Alex choked out. Luke's mom nodded and walked with us to the OR, and she cried, as another nurse was cleaning up in there.

"Should I stay in here with the mom?" Schmidt asked.

"Yeah, let her say her goodbyes...Give her some time," Alex said. I walked out of the room; I couldn't take the pain. 2 of the kids deceased from that crash today. I bent over, wiping my tears, as I couldn't stop crying. I felt a hand on my back, and saw Callie, and shook my head. I walked back into the scrub room and tried to catch my breath, as she followed me.

"Callie, stop," I said.

"Why are you crying? What happened?" She asked.

"I lost a patient, okay, please just leave me alone," I cried. Callie tried to hug me, and I pushed her away as Alex walked into the room. I looked at him and shook my head as he wrapped his arms around me.

"But you'll hug Karev?" She asked, backing out. I turned around and stared her dead in the eye.

"You kissed my fiancé; I don't want to be around you right now. This patient was Alex's and mine. This patient was in the trauma room that Ella was brought to. The first time we'd been in there since it happened. Just go!" I yelled.

"Arizona, it wasn't like..." I tried to swing at her, as Alex held me back.

"Callie just leave, it's as simple as that," Alex yelled. Callie left, and I held onto the sink, as Alex rubbed my back. "What do you mean she kissed Ella?" He asked.

"She went off on me about being engaged to her, she's still in love with me. She wants me back, this is the second time she tried to confess her feelings to me since I've been with El...This morning in x-ray apparently Callie kissed her, and El was very upset about it. I'm a mess," I cried. 

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