Chapter 62

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I woke up an hour later, seeing Arizona's head cuddled up into the couch, her hand on my arm. Mom and dad on the other side of my bed cuddled into each other. I looked up and saw Callie by the doorway and felt myself hyperventilating. I remember seeing Callie when the accident happened. I heard the door, opening my eyes to see April walking in.

"Ella, how are you feeling?" April asked.

"I, uh. What happened?" I cried.

"You were shot in the abdomen," she said, checking my vitals.

"I, uh...The baby?" I asked in concern.

"Ella, I'm sorry to inform you..." Right when she started to explain, I broke down in tears.

"I lost the.... Why? Who did this?" I cried. April rubbed my arm, and I looked to my right, seeing Arizona.


"Shh, I'm right here," Arizona said, climbing into bed next to me. She wrapped her arms around me, bringing my head to her chest. I was in disbelief. How could this happen?

"I lost-I lost..."

"Shh, I'm right here baby, let it out," she said. I wrapped my arms around Arizona crying into her chest.

"Why, why is Callie here?" I coughed. Arizona kissed my head, brushing the hair out of my face.

"She saw the whole event unfold, and called the nurse to get you, and then made sure that I was told right away," she explained. I nodded and held tightly onto her.

"The baby," I cried.

"I'm so sorry baby. I can't imagine how you're feeling, but I'm right here with you, okay? Were in this together," she said. I nodded, wiping my tears, turning towards her. "How's the pain?" She asked.

"I'm heartbroken...I still feel like I'm pregnant...I didn't get to say..."

"Shh... I know honey, I know," Arizona said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Ella, hi. How are you feeling?" Carina asked.

"I'm, I... I just want," I wiped my eyes, and turned my head into Arizona's shoulder.

"I understand, and we were waiting for you to wake up, but we do have your baby if you would like to see and say your..." Carina choked up. It was never easy to talk about this with any mother.

"Yes, please," I cried. Carina nodded, rolling in an incubator, and then handed me the baby. I held the baby close to me, crying, and I kissed his head. Arizona leaned her head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Did we agree with that name?" Arizona whispered.

"Mommy and mama love you baby Waylon," I cried. I heard Arizona's cries, sitting up a bit, looking at him. I couldn't believe that he was not here with us anymore. Arizona caressed his cheek and kissed his head.

My mom and dad kissed my head, leaving the room to let Arizona and I be and say our goodbyes. We cried together holding him close to us and telling him how much we loved him. I was so thankful for Arizona holding onto me. I wouldn't be able to do this without her. I looked up and then saw Callie and a few others outside my room.

"I don't want people looking at us, zona," I cried.

"Shh. pay attention to Waylon," she said. I nodded and kissed his head. "Carina, can you..."

"Guys, go away, let them be please," Carina snapped at everyone outside the room. She shut the curtains giving us privacy. "If you need anything page me, okay. Take all the time you need," Carina said. We nodded, and I finally handed Waylon to Arizona.

**I'm sorry I took so long to update, trying to capture the feelings of all of this and planning out the next chapters. Happy Reading. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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