Chapter 45

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I woke up cuddled up next to Amelia and Meredith and smiled. I saw the time and carefully got up to go to the bathroom. I came back out to see them not on the couch, looked around, and then saw them in the kitchen.

"Good morning bride," Meredith sang.

"Good morning," I laughed, heading into the kitchen.

"Coffee?" She asked. I nodded, as she handed me a cup, and I went to grab my phone to text Arizona.

          Good morning beautiful, I just wanted to say good morning, that I miss you and I can't wait to see you today. Happy wedding day. I can't wait to have you as my wife. I love you so much. xoxo

"Thank you for the coffee," I said, sitting down. She nodded, taking a seat next to me as Zola ran downstairs.

"Auntie El, Auntie El, it's your princess day," Zola yelled. I smiled as I picked her up, setting her on my lap.

"It is miss Zola, are you going to put the flowers down for me and Arizona?" I asked.

"Yes, yes, I can't wait," she squealed. I smiled and kissed her head as she just cuddled into my lap.

"When do you want to start getting ready?" Amelia asked. I looked at Meredith, as she looked at the time.

"It's 7:30 now, so let's get ready at 8 am, we have to be there by 11 am, and that way we have a start on your hair and makeup," Meredith said. I nodded as Bailey and Ellis joined us downstairs.

"Auntie Ella!" Ellis yelled. I smiled as she ran up to me, and I wrapped my arm around her.

"Hi guys, I've missed you all so much," I said.

"We missed you too," Bailey said. I smiled as I wrapped around him, and they all climbed onto my lap, as I laughed, and Meredith snapped a few photos.

"Alright Zola and Ellis, let's get a bath going, so we can get you girls all ready, okay?" Meredith said.

"Aw, okay," Ellis said. I smiled and kissed their cheeks as they went upstairs with Meredith. I turned to Amelia and smiled.

"I forgot to ask, are you both doing your own vows?" Amelia asked. I nodded and smiled as I grabbed my phone, to look at it one last time since I've been remembering it word by word.

"I have been saying it word for word for the last month in the mirror, pretending like I'm saying it to her," I giggled. Amelia smiled as I put my phone down, looking up. "You were my reason back then, my reason now, my reason every day. You strengthen my weaknesses, bring focus to my dreams. Here and now, I pledge my life to yours, that your dreams become my dreams. No matter where life leads me, I know that as long as you are there, that is where I am meant to be. I love you Arizona Robbins and I can't wait for our next adventure," I said. Amelia wiped her tears as she got up and wrapped her arms around me.

"That was beautiful, oh my gosh I'm going to cry today hearing your vows," Amelia said. I smiled and wiped the tears that fell down my cheeks, and then heard the door, and saw my mom.

"Hi honey, I thought I'd show up a little early to start on your hair?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, as I moved chairs, so I was closer to an outlet. She started curling my hair, as Amelia was snapping some photos of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Meredith asked me to get some getting ready photos since the photographer won't be here until the venue," Amelia said. I laughed and smiled as my mom finished curling my hair, hair spraying it in place.

"Amelia, will you grab my bag?" Jo asked. Amelia nodded, grabbing my mom's bag, and handing it to my mom. "Thank you," she said. Amelia smiled as she sat down across from me.

"I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle, your dress is beautiful, and it's just going to be so many emotions," Amelia laughed.

"I know I can't wait to walk down the aisle and see Arizona standing there. I'm so excited," I said. My mom wrapped her arm around me, kissing my cheek, as she finished the half-up, half-down hairdo. She pinned a messy bun in the middle of the back of my head and then fixed some of the curls, and hair sprayed it again.

"Hair is all done, oh my gosh you look beautiful," she said. I smiled as I took a selfie of myself, and then smiled at Amelia as she took some photos. "Amelia, your turn," my mom said. I smiled as Amelia sat down, and my mom curled her hair doing an updo. She pinned the last piece of hair as I saw the time, and then brushed my teeth as I sat back down by my mom.

"We're doing good on time, don't worry," Meredith said, walking downstairs.

"I wasn't too worried. My mom's doing hair and makeup on all of us," I said. She nodded and sat down so my mom could Meredith's hair.

"Do you want her hair the same as Amelia's?" My mom asked.

"Umm..." I looked between the two and then smiled. "Do a braid with Meredith's, she's the maid of honor so I want a little pop from hers, but otherwise the same. Has anyone heard from Aria?" I asked, hearing the door.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I got stuck in traffic," she said. I nodded as she sat down for my mom to do her hair. I sent a picture of Amelia's hair to April so she knew how to do her hair, we wanted the hair to match as we just gave them a shade of the dress, we wanted so they could pick the dress. Our only rule was that there had to be at least one strap.

"Happy to have my ladies here. Do you have the same dresses or different?" I asked.

"I think April and I have the same design of dress but opposite straps. April wanted Amelia and Aria to match though," Meredith explained. I nodded and smiled as I then sat down for my mom to start my makeup.

"Is the photographer coming here at all, or no?" I asked.

"No, they are meeting us at the venue where we'll get dressed," she said. I nodded and closed my eyes as my mom was working on my eyeshadow.

"I can't wait for you to see this, you look so beautiful," my mom said. I smiled as I could hear Amelia's phone taking photos.

30 minutes went by as we were all done with our makeup, and I was helping touch up a few curls with my mom's hair. The car was here to take us to the venue, as I helped Bailey get his shoes on. 

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