Chapter 22

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I knew something happened with Callie. I could tell with the questions she asked her, and how quiet she got. I hoped there was no more name-calling, but I didn't understand what was going on. Ella always talks to me.

"El, talk to me," I said, caressing her cheek. She looked up at me, and I wiped away the tears that fell.

"Callie kissed me," she whispered.

"She what?" I asked. I wasn't sure if I heard right.

"Kissed me, she was helping me off the bed, and into the wheelchair...and as I was going to sit down, she put her hand on my cheek, and kissed me. I pushed her away and sat down. I wanted you more than ever at that moment," she cried. My heart broke as I watched how hurt she felt.

"Hey, hey,'re okay," I said, placing my hands on her cheeks. "I'm right here, you're not alone, I'm so sorry that happened. I can't imagine how uncomfortable you are right now," I said, resting my forehead against hers. She wrapped her arms around me, crying into my shoulder. I had one hand on the back of her head, and the other one tight around her waist. I wanted my El back, and I knew that it would take a while.

"I love you," she whispered. I smiled, as I let her go, reaching into my pocket, and taking her ring out, slipping it onto her finger.

"El, I love you. I'm yours forever. Just you and I against the world," I whispered. I looked up and saw her lips turning upwards into a smile. I loved El with everything I had. I still felt butterflies being around her, I felt weak around her. Something about her, just made me feel like I was melting into her arms each time, she made me feel so protected, and loved. I never felt this with Callie. I studied her eyes and smiled leaning in as I kissed her.

"Alright, oh sorry," Callie said, blocking the view as she had paperwork with her. "Care instructions, and I would like to see you in exactly 2 weeks. No weight on your ankle yet, please use crutches or a wheelchair to get around," she explained.

"Are you okay if we use your crutches out of here?" I asked El, helping her stand.

"Yeah, that's fine," she said, holding onto me tightly.

"I'll see you then, feel better," Callie said, leaving the room. 

Author's Note: I'm excited for you all to read what I have in store next, this is my last post until Tuesday. Enjoy. 

Ella KarevUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum