Chapter 18

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We were having a perfect night until I heard a knock on the door. I quickly put my clothes in the hamper, so they didn't see them in the kitchen. I tied my robe and answered the door to see April standing there.

"April?" I questioned while she was sobbing.

"I...I'm so sorry," she cried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, pulling her into a hug.

"Jackson.... he cheated..." she cried.

"Oh my gosh," I said. She looked up wiping her tears, seeing that I was in my silky robe.

"I'm so sorry, did I disrupt you girls?" She asked.

"April, you're fine, come on, we have wine," I said, bringing another glass into the bedroom. I brought her into the bedroom as El was adjusting her ankle pillow. "Let me grab an ice pack, hold on baby," I said. April took the wine bottle, filling up our glasses, as I brought the ice pack in, and we all sat on our bed.

"Hi April," Ella said.

"Hi Ella, how are you?" She cried.

"What's wrong?" She asked. I looked at April, patting the bed in-between El and me I. April crawled in, and cried into her hands, as El wrapped her arms around her. "Hey, take a breath, it's going to be okay," she said. I loved her reassuring voice. She was always so calm.

"Jackson.... he cheated on me..." April cried.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. How can I help you feel better?" I asked. She shrugged, wrapping her arms around Ella. I had forgotten how she hasn't seen her since the accident.

"I'm sorry for everything," she cried into Ella's chest.

"April, this isn't your fault, no one saw that van coming. I'm fine! I'm good," she said.

" went missing, and I moved pieces and couldn't find you...I saw your lips...I...I just wish I pulled you out," she cried.

"Hey, it's in the past. I'm right here, I'm fine," Ella said, hugging April. I smiled at Ella and rubbed April's back. April sat up, taking a few deep breaths, and then taking a few sips of wine.

"How's your ankle?" She asked.

"Sore today, but otherwise good," Ella said.

"Ella has to rest the next few days, or she's going to be in trouble with me," I said. April looked over at Arizona confused as El giggled. "I'm not kidding El, you need to rest," I said.

"I know, I promise I will...but falling was funny," she said.

"What happened?" April asked. I looked over at El, and we held up our hands, as April gasped. "Oh my gosh, you're engaged??" April asked. We both nodded, as she wrapped her arms around us.

"Ella planned a whole dinner, cleaned and decorated the whole apartment. It was perfect," I said.

"Aw, that's adorable, do you have any pictures?" April asked. I looked at Arizona, and she grabbed both of our phones as we showed them to April. "I'm so happy for you two, I love you both together," she said.

"I love us as well. Ella is perfect," I said. Ella smiled at me, and we all clinked our glasses, taking a swig of wine.

"I don't' want to interrupt...but Arizona, could I get a glass of water? I need my pain medication..." El said.

"Oh of course honey, let me grab it," I said, hurrying to get water. I grabbed the pain medication, and filled up her water bottle, bringing it to her side. "Do you need anything else?" I asked. She shook her head, handing me the glass of wine, and she drank most of her water bottle, before taking the medication.

"I haven't had as much wine, I promise. I know better," Ella explained.

"I trust you," April said. She smiled, and I fluffed her pillow, moving her ankle, and felt her hand, grab onto me, as she pulled me into her for a kiss. I smiled, and kissed her head, then climbing back on the bed. "Are you sure I didn't interrupt anything? You both just got engaged," she said.

"I promise, we were literally just going to put a movie on and go to sleep. You didn't ruin anything," I said. She looked over at Ella, and I laughed.

"Ella?" April asked.

"What Arizona said, you didn't ruin anything, we were just confused on who was at the door," she laughed.

"Is it okay if I crash on the couch?" She asked.

"Of course, let me set it up," I said. April nodded hugging Ella, and I grabbed an extra blanket from my closet, bringing her to the guest room. "We have a guest room; I'm not letting you sleep on the couch," I said.

"Thank you, Arizona," April said, hugging me.

"Of course, I'm always here for you, you're my best friend," I said. "One thing I ask, don't tell anyone about the engagement, we want to tell our parents first," I said.

"I wouldn't, it's not my news to tell," April said. I smiled and kissed her cheek, tucking her in.

"Sweet dreams see you in the morning," I said, shutting her door.

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