Chapter 49

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"For the first time, please welcome the Robbins!" Bailey said. Everyone was clapping as Meredith and April handed us our bouquets back, and we held them up in the air as we walked back down the aisle. We walked to the arch waiting for all our family and friends to get dismissed, and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around Ella.

"You're so beautiful," I said, kissing her cheek.

"So are you, my bride, I can't believe we're married. I love you," she said, putting her hands on my cheeks, kissing me.

"I love you too," I said, holding onto her. The bridesmaids ran up to us as they hugged us.

"That was so beautiful, you both are so beautiful!" Meredith said. I smiled as she hugged Ella, and I hugged April. I saw the photographers snapping photos and smiled as we hugged all our girls, waiting for family to walk down. Bailey walked over to us, hugging each of us tightly and we smiled as we gave her a big group hug.

"You girls are so beautiful, I feel so honored to have officiated your wedding," she said. I smiled and nodded in agreement as Ella was holding tightly onto my hand. The photographer took us over to a sunflower field as we had some of our photos taken. I smiled as we twirled each other around and smiled at each other as we were taking the photos. I was spinning Ella around as I dipped her and put my nose to hers as the photographer snapped a few photos.

"Beautiful, now Ella, I'm going to have you walk up behind Arizona, and put your hands over her eyes, and Arizona you're going to stand there smiling," the photographer said. We did a few more photos as he captured some of us dancing around in the field, and we then walked to the reception as we gathered the bridal party, taking some photos. "Now Meredith, you will have your hands around Ella's waist, April you'll have your arms around Arizona's. Amelia, go behind Meredith, and Aria go behind April. Good, now Arizona and Ella, I want you to have your hands closer to me, intertwined, and the other hand on each other's cheeks, trying to kiss," he explained. We smiled as he got a few photos of us, and then singles of us.

"Family?" I asked Ella. She nodded as we gathered our parents, taking photos with them.

"Attention, all of the hospital staff, please come over to take one big group photo with the brides," April announced. I laughed as she skipped back over to me. We were in the middle as Meredith behind Ella, and April was behind me. Everyone filled in the spaces around us as he took a few photos of us.

"Thank you, everyone, we have a beautiful couple were celebrating tonight. If everyone would line up behind the bridal party and parents, it's time to eat," the caterer said. I smiled as I held onto Ella's hand, and she kissed my cheek, as we were guided through our food line. The photographers were behind the door to the reception dining hall. We both pushed the doors open and saw the room as the photographers snapped photos.

"This is beautiful," Ella said. I nodded in agreement as we walked up to our table, and the bridal party surrounded us. 

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