Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning, tangled with Arizona, I smiled, and saw the time, as I stretched, carefully not to wake her up.

"Good morning," she said, kissing my head.

"Good morning," I said, looking up at her. "Did I wake you?" I asked, moving the hair out of her face.

"Not at all, I have rounds in an hour though, so we should get up, and get ready," she said. I nodded, getting up, and I stretched, getting up, forgetting that we were both naked. I laughed, and moved my hair, as she walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Shower?" I asked. She nodded, kissing me, and then grabbing my hand as we walked to the shower. We were all ready, as I was downing another bottle of water, feeling a slight hangover from last night.

"El, are you ready?" Arizona asked, grabbing her bag.

"Ready," I said, grasping onto her hand. We smiled at one another, making our way down the stairs. Arizona parked in her spot, and I saw my mom and dad walking in, and giggled, covering my mouth.

"Do they know you're seeing me?" She asked, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Nope, I don't tell them until anything's serious," I said turning around, looking at her.

"El..." she whispered, as I kissed her passionately on the lips.

"I want to tell them, I want them to know whom I'm dating and how in love I am with you," I said. I watched Arizona's facial expression change, and saw a few tears, and wiped them away, as we got out of her car.

"You're amazing El, I love you, and I can't wait for your parents to know. I will talk to you later, okay? Have a good day," she said, kissing my cheek, and heading off upstairs, as I took off towards the locker room.

"I thought you were going to be late," Aria said, putting her white coat on.

"No, I was just taking my time walking in," I said, putting my bag in my locker, and putting my white coat on quickly, as I grabbed my pager, ready to go assist Meredith.

"Did you hook up with someone last night?" She asked, crossing her arms. I could feel my face blushing but took a deep breath.

"I'm just tired," I said, adjusting my coat, and putting my stethoscope around my neck. "I have to go find Meredith, talk to you later," I said. I could hear her about to say something else, and I hurried to Meredith as I stopped before running into her. I noticed that I had Robbins on my scrub top, as she lent me an old pair. I made sure it stayed covered, as I grabbed a tablet, logging in.

"Ella, good morning, are you ready for the day?"

"Good morning Dr. Grey, I'm ready. What do we have for today," I asked, following her?

"Rounds first, and then I'm going to have you assist in the pit for a while this morning, okay?" I nodded, and presented the patients at rounds, and then went to the ER, grabbing a yellow gown. I carefully put my coat on the hook, and then tied it as Dr. Grey tied the back piece. I made sure the Robbins part wasn't visible, and then followed her out to the bay, and waited for an ambulance.

"Do we have any incoming?" I asked.

"Yes, there were a few car accidents this morning, and they have abdominal wounds, and I want you to be my assist there this morning, okay?" I nodded, and we accepted one of the patients, as they were coding, and I started doing compressions right away as we got into the trauma room, and I got off as they got ready for the paddles. "Clear," she yelled as I moved my hands right away, and then kept doing compressions. "Clear," she yelled again. "Sinus rhythm," she said, as we addressed the wound, and I recorded vitals as Meredith and Owen were taking care of all the blood. "Dr. Karev, what's the next move?" She asked.

"An MRI, to check for further damage in the abdomen to make sure we aren't missing anything," I said.

"Good, take him," she said. I nodded, wheeling his gurney to the MRI, and brought him in there as Owen was getting the scan ready, and I made sure that the gentleman was prepped and ready. I went behind the glass with Owen, and waited for the scan to process, and watched him.

"Good job this morning Dr. Karev, we need a nickname for you, it will be too hard for you to have the long name, and to have another Karev," he laughed. I nodded and smiled as I saw the scans were coming up. I pointed to the few lesions and then noticed the punctured lung, as I paged Meredith right away. I helped the patient out of MRI and wheeled him to the OR, as she had a room ready for us, and was scrubbed. I brought him in and helped move him to the operating table, and then went to scrub.

"Alright Dr. Karev, good eye on the punctured lung, will you page cardio?" She asked. I nodded, paging Dr. Pierce. I scrubbed my hands, and then stood on the opposite side, helping her clamp, and suck the blood for her to see what was going on. Dr. Pierce walked in, and I moved so she could fix the punctured lung.

A few hours later, we were done with his surgery as he was in recovery, and I went to the waiting room to talk to his family. To face my fear from yesterday. 

Author's Note: If you have any questions or ideas, you're more than welcome to message me...

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