Chapter 30

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"Have a good day, I'll see you tonight," I said, heading to the elevator. I waited as I saw Link, and waved, and got in the elevator, hitting floor 1. Bailey wanted me on the OR floor today. I got to the desk, and I grabbed my wheelchair as I set my crutches against the wall. I saw the pile of charts and hit my head against them, as I opened the first one up. I was thankful that the surgeons left notes for me to write. I logged into the computer and started typing away, updating the patient's charts. It was the last pile of charts to be entered electronically so everything was online and available to everyone who needed to see that patient. I was happy I was about done but wasn't sure what I would be doing next. I finished entering in the last chart, as I logged out, and I piled the charts on my lap, and I wheeled them over to the records office.

"Here you are, Joanne. Last of the charts I have been handed," I said, handing them over.

"Thank you so much for your help Ella, it's been hectic!" She said, taking the charts. I smiled, wheeling back to the desk, seeing Bailey, and Meredith at the desk.

"I'm so excited for tonight," Meredith said. I smiled, and plugged her chart in, as Bailey walked around sitting next to me.

"How are the charts going?" She asked.

"They're done. I just handed the last of them to Joanne," I said, logging back in.

"Thank you so much for helping with that. I know it hasn't been exciting, but I was going to ask how you felt about being in the ER, answering incoming calls?" She asked.

"Oh, I...I never thought about it," I said.

"Would you feel okay doing that? April and Owen are both here today, they can help you, along with the nurses that are down there," Bailey explained.

"Yeah, sure," I said, logging back out. Bailey smiled, and I grabbed my crutches as she wheeled me down to the ER. I braked my chair and sat next to April as she was filling out a chart.

"Hey Ella, how are you? Are you excited for tonight?" She asked.

"I'm very excited," I said, hearing the phone ring. April answered, and smiled as she nodded, getting up, hanging up the phone.

"Incoming trauma, car accident up 7th, they're 5 minutes out," April yelled, sitting back down.

"That's all you do?" I asked.

"I also page surgeons and nurses that I'll need," she explained.

"How do you know what you'll need?" I asked.

"There's a list right here," she said, moving her tablet. There's a general page that you can send out to everyone. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy. The paramedic tells you what's going on with the patient which helps know who you'll need," she said. I nodded, and watched the trauma arriving, as April, Owen, Shepherd, and Pierce walked outside.

A few hours went by as I started answering the phone, paging whom I needed in the ER. I was thankful it wasn't a busy day. Everyone was so nice in the ER. It got noisy at times, but it was busy, and it was cool to watch everything going on.

"Ella, you're good to go. I want you to be able to get ready for tonight, I'll see you there," Owen said. I nodded, as I grabbed my crutches, and he took the wheelchair from me as I got to the elevator, heading up to my locker room. I put my white coat away, grabbing my bag, and I grabbed Arizona's spare key out, as I texted her, letting her know that I was off. I headed back towards the elevator and was in the lobby as Amelia stopped me.

"What's up, Aunt Amelia?" I asked.

"Nothing much, waiting to see if they need me in the ER, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing alright. I'm eager to get this cast-off," I said.

"I bet, when do you have your appointment?" She asked.

"Wednesday, it couldn't come soon enough," I said, smiling at her.

"Yeah, I feel that girly, I'll see you tonight, okay?" I nodded, as I headed out the main doors. I felt the sun shining down and stopped just taking in the sunlight. I kept crutching as I saw Arizona's car in sight. I saw a bench and decided to take a seat, as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw the guy from the bar. He approached me and was staring me down as I decided to finally say something.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"No one's here to help you today, what are you going to do, shrimp?" He asked.

"How about you just leave, and we can go our separate ways," I snapped back.

"I don't think so," he said, picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder. 

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