Chapter 37

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"No, it's not because of you. It's society sadly. We're a family, and we don't let anyone mess with us. Believe me, when I say we're here for you. Everyone here know what I mean. I know it might seem that it's your fault, but it's not. You didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes we don't' know the reason people do things, but I can assure you it's nothing you did," she said. I nodded and wiped my tears as I just laid my head on her shoulder. I was exhausted from today, and I just wanted to snuggle with my other favorite aunt.

We just sat there snuggled up for a while as Amelia noticed I had fallen asleep. She smiled leaning her head to mine, and Link handed her the big blanket off the couch as he covered me up.

"Is she asleep?" Arizona asked.

"Yes, she fell asleep, I think she's just had a long day," Amelia said.


I was dancing with April, Aria, and Jo for a while, and I noticed that Ella's head has been leaned onto Amelia's shoulder. It would be her that would fall asleep at the party. I smiled and wanted to stop dancing, but Aria and April kept me going. The song was over when April went to the bathroom, and I escaped over to Amelia.

"How long has she been asleep for?" I asked.

"Uhh...I have no idea. She's adorable when she sleeps though," Amelia giggled. I nodded in agreement, and saw how peaceful she was, and looked around at everyone, and was surprised to see Callie still here talking to people. I saw the time, and it was nearly 1 am and I knew I had to get her home.

"Hey Alex, I'll be right back," I said. He nodded, going right back to his conversation with Jackson, and I brought Ella's scooter out and ran into Aria and Tyler kissing on the front porch, and acted like I didn't see anything. I closed the trunk, walking back up as they saw me.

"Please don't tell anyone," Tyler said.

"It's not my place to tell. How long?" I asked.

"We just started dating, we didn't want to ruin our friendship, but we just had feelings, and decided to try dating..." Aria explained. I smiled and looked between them.

"Just don't get caught," I said, walking back inside. I saw Ella starting to wake up, and walked over to her, as I picked her up in my arms.

"Hmm..." she said.

"You fell asleep," I said, kissing her forehead.

"At my own party?" She asked.

"It's okay, you didn't miss much," I giggled. She smiled at me, and I put her down as she stretched out her arms.

"Where's Aria?" She asked.

"Uh, I thought she was in the bathroom," I said. She hugged me and then saw Aria walking inside, and hopped over to her.

"Aria, will you be my bridesmaid?" She asked.

"Oh my gosh, I'd love to," she said. I watched them hug, as Aria cried into Ella's shoulder. Tyler walked in behind them, and I shook my head as I grabbed onto Ella's arm, so she didn't lose balance. "I can't wait to help you plan more of the wedding," Aria said.

"I can't wait to get married to my lovely fiancé," she said, backing into me. Aria and Tyler smiled at me as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Let's go home," I whispered into her ear.

"I'm tired," she said.

"I know, let's say goodbye, and then we can go home, okay?" She nodded, as Meredith and Amelia walked up, hugging her.

"We'll see you at work, rest up, okay?" Meredith said.

"I will, I promise," she said, hugging them. Alex and Jo walked up as they both hugged her, and then one by one everyone was saying goodbye to us, which helped Ella not have to move around as much. I waved as I then scooped El into my arms and carried her to my car. I buckled her up and then got in myself as I drove us home. 

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