Chapter 15

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"Oh, this looks beautiful," she said. I smiled, pulled myself up as she handed me the ring.

"Thank you, I'm so excited," I said. Mom wrapped her arms around me, kissing my head. She helped me set the table and clean up the living room so I could rest my foot. "Thank you for helping," I said.

"Of course, I'm just so happy to see you back to yourself. When you get hurt, or sick, you're down for a while," she explained.

"I know, thank you for being here, I hope dad's doing better?" I asked.

"He's doing a lot better. I know how he saw you, triggered him, but he's doing much better. I'm keeping an eye on him," she said. I nodded, hugging her.

"I don't want you to be late, and I have to finish making dinner, she should be here in about an hour, hopefully," I said.

"Alright, take it easy, please," mom said, kissing my cheek.

"Always," I said. I waved, and locked the door behind her, beginning on the steaks. I seared them on both sides, then cooked the mushrooms, and scallop potatoes. I knew I was running close on time but hurried as fast as I could. I put a plate on the wheely chair, wheeling it to the porch, setting the table up, covering the food, so it would be fresh. I then brought my plate over and propped the wine up in the container. Her favorite red wine. I crutched to her room, laying the rose petals down, spelling out 'I love you,' and then placed the ring on the nightstand so it was easy to grab when I brought her in here. I then grabbed her red dress out, and wrote a note, letting her know the room was off-limits.


"Hey, I thought today was your day off?" Callie asked, walking alongside me as I was headed to the OR.

"No, I have fetal surgery today, why?" I asked, walking into the scrub room.

"I stopped by your apartment, I was hoping we could talk," she said. I looked over at her, and I saw the look in her eyes. That look she gave me when I was her whole world.

"Callie, I have a girlfriend, I'm really happy with her," I explained.

"I know... I know...I just, I love you," she said.

"Callie, I can't. I have to go," I said, walking into surgery. I looked back, seeing tears running down her face, and I took a deep breath, excited for this surgery. I knew I was in love with Ella, and no one else. Not even Callie could change my mind about that. She left me.


"I'm home," Arizona yelled, walking in. I was washing my hands and filling up my water bottle as she walked into the kitchen. "How was your day baby?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my waist, kissing my cheek.

"It was good, I rested, and cleaned up a bit," I said.

"A bit? It's so shiny and clean, you were supposed to rest," she said.

"I know, but I just got bored," I whined. She smiled at me, and I turned around in her arms, as I looked at her. I had a robe on, so I didn't look too suspicious.

"Callie wants me back," she said.

"She what?" I asked. Thoughts poured into my head as I tried to push them out, knowing I was still asking her to marry me tonight.

"She still loves me, but I told her that I love you and that I only want you," she said. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her, resting my arms on her butt. "Let's go into the room, and snuggle, I missed you today," she pouted.

"I actually have some dinner plans..." I smiled.

"Dinner plans? With who?" She asked. I undid my robe, revealing my black dress that hit every curve on my body. I watched her facial expression change as I undid my low pony and my curls, falling onto my shoulders, and back.

"There's a dress hanging for you on the door. You cannot enter the bedroom," I said, whispering into her ear.

"Oh, I see," she said. I smiled and watched her as she pulled the dress from the door. "My red dress? What's the occasion?"

"Happy 9 months," I said, holding the crutches to my side. I watched Arizona's hand fly to her mouth. I could tell she forgot about it, but I wasn't mad. She had a huge case she's been working on, and with living with her, every day is our anniversary.

"El, I completely forgot, I feel horrible," she said, walking over to me.

"Zona don't feel bad, you've been taking care of me and you've had a huge case. I'm not mad in any way. I wanted to make it special for us," I said, kissing her cheek. She stripped in front of me, and I smiled as she turned around, and I zipped her dress up. I put my hands on her shoulders, starting to massage them, and I kissed her neck and whispered into her ear. "This won't be on for long," I said. She turned around and smiled at me.

"Where's dinner?" She asked.

"Open the curtain," I said. She looked back at me and then walked over to the curtain as I followed behind on my crutches. I smiled, as she covered her mouth.

"El, this is beautiful, oh my gosh," she said. There were little tea lights surrounding the little table, lighting up the whole table with the red roses, sitting in the middle.

"Let's eat," I said, smiling at her. She opened the patio door and pulled out my chair for me, and I smiled, as she sat down. "Okay, lift the cover," I said. She opened her cover and gasped as it was the meal, we had on our first real date. Steak and potatoes. I watched tears racing down her face, as I got up, and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"El, I don't know what to say, I feel like such a bad girlfriend," she said.

"You're the most amazing girlfriend ever, you're my entire world," I said, kissing her cheek. She wiped her tears, squeezing my arm, and I then hobbled back over to my chair, lifting my cover, and I poured the wine as she smiled at me.

"You're amazing El, I love you," she said, clinking our glasses.

"I love you too," I said. Dinner was amazing as we laughed, and talked about our goals, and my first day on peds.

"That was an amazing steak, I didn't know you could cook like this," she said.

"I learned a few things while in college," I laughed. 

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