Chapter 26

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"Hey, you love her. This was a lot for both of us. We did teamwork. I have your back always. I'm sorry that this has happened, if she says anything or tries anything again let me know," he said. I nodded and wiped my tears as I headed to the on-call room. I opened the door to see Ella passed out. I wiped my tears, and shut the door, locking it, as I made sure no one else was in the room. I climbed into bed next to Ella, and kissed her cheek, as she lifted her head.

"Oh, it's you," she said.

"Of course, it's me, who else would it be?" I asked.

"My aunt was in here earlier, I don't know I just woke up," she giggled.


Arizona scared me when she kissed my cheek. I was confused, I had a bad dream, and had a bad gut feeling. I could tell something was wrong though. I heard her slight sniffle and immediately sat up.

"Arizona what's wrong?" I asked.

"What? Nothing," she said.

"Arizona, I know something happened, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting up. She shook her head, sobbing into her hands. I moved my left leg and then grabbed her hands, pulling her into my arms. "Come here, I'm right here," I said, holding onto her. I tucked the hair behind her ear, wiping her tears away. "Baby, what's wrong?" I whispered.

"I lost my patient," she cried.

"I'm so sorry Arizona," I said, wrapping my arms around her tight.

"I thought...I-I had flashbacks to your injury," she cried.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It was the first time I was in the ER, near trauma room 2...I haven't been there..." she cried as I just hugged her tightly.

"Hey...I'm right here...I'm right here..." I whispered into her ear. "No one's taking me away from you. You'll forever have me," I whispered. She nodded and nuzzled her head into my chest. I leaned back against the bed frame, and just held onto her. I hated to see how hurt she was. I knew none of this was easy on her. I felt her arms tighten around my waist, and smiled, as I kissed her head. She had calmed down as we were just holding onto each other in silence. One of our favorite things to do.

"El, can we go home?" She asked.

"Let's go home, and tell your parents, some good news," I said.

"That sounds wonderful," she said, lifting her head up, looking at me. I smiled, and placed both of my hands on her face, as I leaned in, kissing her. I pulled apart and just smiled at her, as she helped me up. "How's your ankle?" She asked.

"Sore, but it's good right now," I said, grabbing my crutches. She smiled, putting the wheelchair outside the door, and then she walked right alongside me as we got to her car.


Ella always made me feel better. We've been through so much this past month, and I was just so thankful that I would have her for the rest of my life. We got in the car, and I heard my phone, as I saw it was my mom.

          "Hi mom, how are you?" I asked.

          "Hi honey, I'm good, how are you?" She asked.

          "Good, are you and dad in town?" I asked.

          "We are, that's why we were calling you, I was hoping we could get dinner?" She asked.

          "That sounds wonderful, I actually just got off work. Ella and I were on our way home. Where would you like to meet?" I asked.

          "Downtown? That steakhouse?" She suggested.

          "That sounds wonderful, a steak sounds amazing," I said.

          "Alright, does 7:30 work?" She asked.

          "Perfect, I'll see you there," I said, hanging up. I looked over at Ella, and then back to the road, as I turned into the apartment parking lot.

"Going out for dinner?" El asked.

"Yes, is that okay?" I asked, helping her out of the car.

"It's perfect," she said kissing my cheek. I smiled, and we got inside as we waited for the elevator. 

Author's Note: I wanted to post an extra chapter for all of my fans. Thank you all for loving this story. I can't wait to post more. There's so much yet Arizona and Ella have to share with you.           #Ariella

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