Chapter 46

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"Well don't you look handsome," I said. He smiled and hugged me as I held his hand, walking out to the car with my bag.

"Do you have everything El?" My mom asked. I nodded as she grabbed her bags and we all got in the limo that was sent for me, and the kids were squealing getting inside as they all sat down.

"To the venue," Amelia said. I smiled as I held Ellis on my lap, and we sang some songs and talked about the day.

"When we get there, we'll go into the venue, April and Arizona aren't there yet, this limo is picking them up after us," Meredith said. We got to the venue as I carried Ellis inside, and my mom had the dresses as I sat down and smiled at being here.

"I'm getting so nervous. Like nervous excited," I said. Amelia smiled as she hugged me.

"That's normal, but we got you," Amelia said. I smiled as they finished the last touches on their makeup and got their dresses on. I helped zip them up and smiled.

"You girls are so beautiful," I said. They smiled as the photographer walked in, snapping photos of them. April then walked in, and got some photos with them, and then got one of just Meredith and April.

"Girl you need to get your dress on," April said. I laughed and nodded as my mom took my hand and we went into the dressing room.

"I was watching the time," Meredith said, defending herself.

"Photographers want more photos," April said, leaving. "Stay here to get a first look with the bridesmaids, I'll be right back," April said. The photographer nodded as my mom buttoned the rest of my dress up.

"Oh my gosh you look so beautiful," my mom said.

"You're going to make me cry," I said. She smiled, kissing my head as I turned around in the mirror and looked at myself. I had a long sleeve dress, the sleeves were made of lace, and then the dress was tight on the chest, and then flared out. I smiled as I did a twirl with my mom, and she smiled as she helped get my sandals on.

"I'm back, Ella, are you in your dress?" April asked.

"Yes, everyone turn around," I said. My mom helped me walk out to them as the photographer was snapping photos of us. I stood there as my mom fluffed the bottom of the dress out, and then they turned around as their hands flew to their mouths. I smiled trying not to cry as everyone was tearing up.

"Oh my gosh you're beautiful," Meredith said. I smiled as the photographer was snapping photos of us, and then we all took a few group photos together as they all went to do the first look with Arizona. Mom stayed with me as I smiled and spritzed my favorite perfume on. 

Ella Karevحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن