Chapter 55

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Today couldn't have been more perfect. I got to marry my person, the love of my life. I got to make love with her, and I get to go on the honeymoon with her tomorrow. I snuggled up to Ella as she pulled the sheets over us, and we both fell soundly asleep.

"Good morning wifey," El whispered.

"Good morning beautiful," I said, rubbing my eyes. Ella kissed my head as she had her arms wrapped around me, and her head leaned to mine.

"I can't wait to be in Greece with you tonight," she said.

"I can't either. It's going to be wonderful," I said, turning around in her arms. I smiled as I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and leaned in softly kissing her. "What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 11:30," she laughed.

"Woah, we slept in late," I laughed.

"We were up until like 3 am..." she laughed. I shook my head, burying it into her shoulder as she rubbed my back. "I could do this forever," she said, rubbing my back.

"I'm okay with that," I said, kissing her neck. I sat up, as I pulled her into my arms. She smiled as she just laid in my arms and snuggled up to me as we looked outside to see sunlight.

"Do you want to take a shower?" She asked.

"Do I?" I laughed. "Let's take one in our shower...much steamier..." I laughed, kissing her cheek.

"I mean I don't think I've had a better shower than there...but let's check out the honeymoon shower," she said. I nodded as we got up and walked over to the bathroom and saw many showerheads in the shower. I looked at her, racing in and she laughed as we turned on the water and let the water hit us.

"Woah," I said. She nodded as she wrapped her arms around me. We both showered and scrubbed each other's backs as we couldn't stop laughing. I heard Ella's phone and knew it was April or Meredith as we just giggled in the shower. Ella finally turned the shower off as we got out, and dried off, putting on our wife robes. I looked in the bag we had as El answered her phone.

          "Hello?" She answered.

          "Hi, haha, I'm out front, are you girls ready?" Meredith said.

          "We just got out of the shower, we lost track of time..." she giggled.

          "Babe, do you want to wear the red one or the red one?" I laughed.

          "You packed us the same dress?" El asked Meredith.

          "I thought it would be cute, it was something fast you both could get on," Meredith said.

          "True statement, we'll be out in 10," El said, hanging up. I walked over to her, kissing her as she followed me to the bathroom. We got dressed, putting the dresses on as we both washed our faces to get last night's makeup off. Luckily, this bathroom had 2 blow-dryers and so we both dried our hair quickly as we packed the rest of our clothes and robes, and then put our wedding dresses in their bags. I handed El her shoes as I slipped mine on.

"Are you ready baby?" I asked El.

"Yes, I'm ready, let's go," she said. I smiled as she held my hand, and we made our way to the elevator. We walked outside and saw Meredith's car. She walked up putting the dresses and our bag in the way back and then getting in the back seat.

"Good morning newlyweds," Meredith said.

"Good morning," El mumbled. I laughed as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, and she leaned her head to mine.

"Have a good sleep?" Meredith asked.

"When we slept, yes," I giggled. Ella smiled wrapping her arms around me as we watched the drive home.

"Wait this isn't home," Ella said.

"All your gifts are here, and your car is here, so we were going to transport everything into your car, and I was going to follow you home to bring all of your things inside," Meredith said. We nodded as we got out, and people jumped out and cheered, as I stumbled into Ella's arms.

"You got us," I laughed. Ella smiled, and kissed my cheek as we packed our wedding dresses into my car, and then went inside to grab the last of the gifts, packing them in the trunk. I followed Ella back inside as I watched Zola, Bailey, and Ellis run and attack her.

"Auntie Ella, Auntie Ella," they yelled. Ella laughed as she scooped them all up in her arms, hugging them. I smiled as I took a few more gifts out to the car, and then hugged Meredith.

"Thank you so much for everything, I can't thank you enough," I said.

"Of course, I'm always here for you girls. April was planning to be here, but I believe she's still drunk...Jackson took her home," Meredith said.

"Interesting, I'll have to ask her about it," I laughed. Meredith nodded as we headed back inside.

"Thank you for being here this morning," El said, hugging Meredith. "Thank you for being my maid of honor, I couldn't have had anyone better," she said, holding her tight.

"Of course, El, I'm always here for you," Meredith said, kissing El's head. I smiled as Ella took my hand and kissed my cheek as the kids were playing on the ground.

"We are going to head home to back before the honeymoon, I'll talk with you later," El said. Everyone waved as I led Ella out to the car. We got in and El drove us back to my place as we got out bringing everything inside. I hung up our dresses in the back of the closet as El dumped laundry in, starting our first load. 

Author's Note: I'm sorry I posted late, my week has been so hectic. I'm running out of ideas, please, please tell me any ideas that you have. Thank you. 

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