Chapter 24

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I was so happy with how her parents reacted, and I couldn't wait to tell mine. She was really my other half. The way her parents reacted made me feel so emotional. I felt so loved by them, and I was Alex's chief for how long.... who knew I was going to ever marry his daughter?

"I'm okay, just happy," I said. Ella smiled at me, pulling me in for a hug.

"El, we want to celebrate, can we take you girls out to dinner?" Her mom asked.

"We'd love that," she said. I nodded, and kissed her cheek, as I wiped my tears.

"Arizona, we'd love to meet your parents," Jo said.

"I think they would love that. I'll mention that to them when we tell them tonight," I said. They nodded hugging us, as Jo snapped a few pictures of us.

"Babe, look. They're matching. How cute," her mom said. I laughed, and smiled at El, as she leaned her head to my shoulder. I heard all our pagers go off and saw that there was a trauma coming in from a bus crash.

"Alex...I..." I stuttered.

"Robbins take her home, we'll be fine," he said. I nodded, as I grabbed a wheelchair wheeling Ella towards the elevator.

"Arizona, if you need to help, I'm not going to stop you. I can just wait in an on-call room," she said, turning to me.


"Arizona, go, I know how much these traumas mean to you. It was a school bus, go be amazing, go save a life," she said. I smiled at her, wheeling her to an empty on-call room.

"I'll be back, okay?" I said, helping Ella to the bottom bunk.

"I'll be right here, I love you," she said, kissing me.

"I love you too," I said, closing the door as I headed to the Emergency room. Luckily there hasn't been a big trauma like this, but I really wanted to make sure that we told my parents tonight. It was important to both of us.


There was a huge school bus crash, and my dad dismissed us to go. I knew how hard it was for Arizona not to help in that kind of situation. Her peds floor was her world, other than me. I was happy just chilling in an on-call room. I had our bag, and I knew I could just sleep. I pulled the blanket up on me and just stared at the wall. I thought of ideas for the wedding and just smiled.

"Anyone in here?" Amelia asked, backing in, as Link kissed her.

"Aunt Amelia?" I asked.

"Crap," she said, as Link turned the light on. "Ella? What are you doing here?" She asked, sitting by Link on the other bed.

"Waiting for Arizona to be done with the trauma that came in..." I said.

"I see, how are you? I haven't talked to you lately," she said.

"I'm okay, I was actually going to ask...Link if I could request you to be my doctor?" I asked.

"Yeah of course, how come? I thought Callie was your doctor?" He asked.

"She was, I just...I'm not comfortable around her, and I'd rather just not be around her, if I don't need to be," I explained.

"What happened? What did she do?" My aunt Amelia asked, getting upset.

"She kissed me this morning," I said.

"You're with Arizona though?" She questioned. 

"Yeah...So Arizona and I are engaged...Callie found out at the appointment today...called me some names, and then while in x-ray, kissed me...I just don't want to have her as my doctor anymore," I said.

"I'll switch it after my break, I'm sorry for that," he said. I nodded, as I leaned my head back down. Amelia laid on the bed next to me, smiling.

"Can I see the ring?" She asked.

"Of course," I said holding my hand out to her.

"Oh, it's beautiful. Who proposed?" she asked, leaning her head to my shoulder.

"Thank you, and I proposed to Arizona. I wanted to make our anniversary special, and my mom helped me clean up the apartment...I decorated the whole apartment, showered, got ready, and made us the dinner we had on our first date. She was surprised, and it was amazing. After I proposed to her, she had gotten up and proposed to me...she had one picked out trying to plan something for me, and so it was perfect," I smiled. 

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