Chapter 14

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A week has gone by and Arizona had to go back to work. My breathing was getting better, but my ankle was bothering me. I wanted to do everything on my own. I've never heard Arizona's yelling voice until now. I mean I only had about 3 more weeks until I got it checked again. My leg was cramping more, and I hated not being able to do everything. I felt like a burden.


"El, are you sure you're going to be okay?" I asked, tying my pants.

"I'll be fine Zona, I just have to get up if I pee, or want food. I'll be okay, I promise," she said reassuring me.

"No walking on your cast, please," I begged.

"I won't," she said.

"I'm serious, I want to go back dancing with you, and I want you fully healed to do so," I laughed. She shook her head at me, sitting up. She was using the crutches more, and I knew it bothered her needing help. She was very independent. "I have to go, please text me if you need anything, I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said, pulling me in her for a kiss. I walked out, looking back at her, hating work. I wanted to be with my girlfriend while she healed, but I knew that I had to work, especially with my big surgery today.


"Goodbye, have a good day," I yelled, as she left, locking the door behind her. I waited to make sure that she left and then got up making the bed. I ordered groceries on my phone to be delivered so I could make dinner for her. I then got in the shower, adjusting the plastic so it didn't get wet. I washed my hair and body and then got out, tying my robe. I dried my hair, and put some curls into it, and then applied some heavier makeup, and lipstick. I wanted to make tonight special. It was our 9-month anniversary, and she's been taking care of me for a while. I heard a knock and stood still not knowing who was at her door.

"Arizona, come on, I know you're in there," Callie said. I slipped on my sweats and tee, and crutched to the door, opening it up.

"Arizona's not here," I said, confused on why Callie was here.

"Ella, what are you doing here?" She asked, slipping in. I was annoyed that she came in when I didn't invite her inside.

"I'm staying with my girlfriend while healing..." I said, turning around to see Callie's facial expression. I thought she knew we were dating until I saw her wide eyes, and jaw-dropping open.

"You and Arizona?" Callie asked, pointing to me.

"Yeah...We've been dating for almost a year. We kept it on the down-low because no one needed to know except for Bailey," I said. She cocked her head to the side and then heard the doorbell, and I opened the door seeing my groceries. "Thank you," I said. The delivery person waved, and I picked up one bag at a time, putting it on the counter.

"Be careful," Callie said, watching the crutch slip from underneath my arm. I grasped tighter and felt discomfort. "Can you tell Arizona, I stopped by?"

"Aren't you going to see her at work?" I asked, leaning against the counter, out of breath.

"Oh, right, yeah okay. Bye," she said, leaving. I pulled my phone out texting Arizona.

Hey, Callie stopped by looking for you...She just found out about us dating...I don't know if she's looking for you, I texted.

Oh, um okay. I don't know why she stopped by. How are you doing? She texted back.

I'm doing good, I showered, I texted. I assumed she got busy, as she didn't reply. I stood at the counter, emptying the bags, and then I started chopping up everything I needed for dinner and then seasoned the steaks. I was excited for tonight. I reached for my phone, seeing it was my mom, and smiled.

"Hi baby girl, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing good, I'm asking her tonight," I said.

"Really? I can't wait to hear, wait do you have the ring?" She asked.

"I was hoping you could drop it off?" I asked.

"Of course, I'll head over now. Need some more clothes?" She asked.

"Can you bring me my favorite black dress, in the back of my closet?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, I'll see you in a few," she said hanging up. I smiled and got back to the steaks. I covered them, putting them in the fridge, and then pulled out a salad to eat some lunch. I then cleaned up the whole kitchen and put all the dishes away. I wanted to make everything perfect. I heard the door and saw mom walking in, and smiled. I was sitting on the floor by the balcony setting up string lights. 

Author's Note: I'm so sorry for posting late, I have had some medical issues going on. Hopefully got it all figured out now. Enjoy. 

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