Chapter 34- to go or not to go?

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Pff, the title makes this chapter sound important somehow, oh well. Sorry for the absence btw, time flies.

"I want to go out." Fell blurted out, sitting down on one of the castle's many benches. He and Horror go bored of roaming around the castle for the last 36 times, its not as if there were any secrets rooms or passages anyways.

"On a date or with a gun?" Horror questioned, snacking on a bag of beef jerky.

"Not like that, dumbass! I meant out of the castle. Its boring to be copped up here for what- 3 more months?" Fell pointed out.

"You keep track?" Horror said before munching on another bit of jerky.

Fell looked at Horror for a moment, wondering if he even remembered that their phones have a calendar to keep track of the days, not just that, Sci was able to put reminders on all of their phones for when their 5 months together would be done. Fell sighed and got up again, looking around.

"Do you remember where her majesty's office was? I'm considering the idea of going out. We were barely able to see the town when we first got here, so we might as well be able to now since we have... So much time." Fell pulled up his phone, wondering if he should contact anyone else to see if they'd want to come with them, or just contact Ink for directions to his Mother's office.

"But isn't being in the castle safer? Its a huge place, any threats could easily get lost around here and get caught-" Fell cut Horror off.

"Horror, when on earth did you start worrying about 'safety' exactly?"

"Since ever. When your kingdom is based solely on your people's gluttony, you'd start to notice that many of the citizens have a few screws loose. What made you doubt my care for safety anyways?"

Fell stared at him for a moment before flicking the part of Horror's skull, just below the gapping hole on it. Horror winced a but before glaring at Fell, who at the moment was on his phone, typing something to send on their group chat.


Me and Horror are planning to go out of the castle. We still have to ask for permission to do so to Ink's Mom. Anyone want to join us?

Going out to town? I'm not sure we'd even be allowed to go out.

Sorry, can't. I'm keeping an eye on Dream, or else his brother would kill me.

Guys! We found something! It might be the last piece we need to crack open that door under the library!

Cross, this topic isn't about you right now, its about going out to see the town.

You ungrateful little shit.

We still need to find the office, so to anyone who wants to join us, you could meet us there.


Fell turned his phone off and pocketed it, ignoring Nightmare's insult, know that if he tried facing that tentacles frick will result to him being bedridden for about a week or so.

"So..." Horror said, gaining Fell's attention. Horror lowered his phone before he looked back and forth around the room they were currently in.
"Where should we start looking first? outside of this room is a cross-section of the hallways, should we go north, east, or west?" Horror asked.

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