chapter 28- lies believed

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To the people that read SOULmates... Its difficult to end the book, so I'm sorry qwq

It was still the same day, the others were hanging around the castle, chatting, or being alone with themselves doing their own things. Lets see what's one of them up to, shall we?

<Nightmare's pov>

I was in the darks part of the library reading what seems to be a 500 paged novel of sort. I wasn't really in the mood to read too much, so I didn't go look for the 1000 paged ones like I'd usual do.

The library was dark, well at least the part of the library where I'm currently in. It was also quiet since I'm the only one here. Well, that's what I thought at least.

I looked up from my book upon hearing a familiar squeak. I wasn't surprised to see who it was, since that squeak came from a creature I despise.

There on the floor, infront of me, the so called 'Fluffy' was there, looking straight at my tentacles. The little twerp wanted to bite my tentacles again.

"... No, go away." I said, going back to reading the book I have.

I got a squeak in response, making me look back at him. I sighed, glaring at the mouse.

"Leave me alone...." The mouse squeaked back at me, as if we're in a conversation that I understood.

Which... I actually kinda could.

I looked around the library, trying to see if Cross was around since his demon of a pet is in the library.
"Cross, where the fuck are you, you irresponsible pet owner." I muttered.

Before I knew it, the Mouse jumped onto me, making me jolt From surprise and almost fall off the chair I was on.

The mouse ran up up to my shoulder, jumped, and landed on the same tentacle he had bite twice before.. and bite again. I hissed, wiggling my poor Tentacle, trying to get the mouse off. Soon enough, i sighed and gave up, closing the book i was reading and got up from my chair, going out of the library to look for the damn owner of this spoiled rat.


<Dream's pov>

This is no fair! How come Error gets to have all the time to spend with Ink?! Does Error really like him though? I don't really see it.

I huffed, sitting at one of the benches on a balcony as I looked down, where the view showed the garden. Down there showed Ink and Error talking while Ink was making a flower crown.

"This isn't fair... I'm supposed to be Ink's best friend.. I'm supposed to get his attention..." I Silently muttered to my self as I watched the two from the balcony.

I pulled up my sleeve, seeing the dark yellowish goo seeming to be pulsing. In all honesty I got used it, but sometimes the goo would cover up more of my wrist, but for some reason, it retracts. I still don't know why.

I sighed, pulling my sleeve back. I haven't told anyone about this situation I'm in.. I haven't even told Nightmare.. what would he say?

'I told you to stay away from those rats'

... Yeah, that's accurate. But the thing is that I did. I never got bite by any of them. So why is this happening?

"Dream?" I was surprised, hearing my other best friend's voice, Blue. I faced him, seeing that Blue was looking at him a bit spectacle.

He walked over and sat next to me on the bench.
"Are you ok? You don't seem so happy like you usually do.." Blue said.

I chuckled a bit
"cuz that's mostly your thing."

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