chapter 27.5- where is she now?

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(this is gonna be a short part)

Its bright, the sun was shining above me as she held my hand, leading me through a field of flowers, away from her not so welcoming kingdom.

"Come on, you're taking too long, i have to show you something!" She said, leading me over to one of the few trees that are present in the flower field.

We stopped under one, which is where we usually stay.

"Come on, princess, you know we're not supposed to be out here today." I said, looking back to where we came from, checking if anyone followed us.

"Nonsense, plus, who would care? And even if I get in trouble, you'll be with me to protect me! You're supposed to be my personal knight after all." She reason, reaching into her pocket and pulling something out.

I looked at her hand curiously Before she opened it, showing a small Picture of the both of us.

"Is it ok if you open up your locket for me?" She asked, pointing over to the golden heart locket around my neck.

"Oh, uh- sure.." I took the locket and opened it, one side shows the picture of my brother, and the current king and queen of my actual kingdom. The other side was empty.

She took the locket and placed the small Picture into the empty slot and gave it back to me.

"There, so that I get to be with you even if I'm busy somewhere else." She said, smiling.

I chuckled a bit from the statement, looking at the new picture in my locket before closing it.
"Princess, you know that doesn't make much sense, right?"

"You know what I mean. And you could stop calling me Princess?"

"Eh, its part of my duty, but anyways, i heard you'll be getting a new pet tomorrow." I said, changing the subject.

"Oh, yeah i will! My mom said that its not a normal pet like a cat or a dog, so I'm exited!"

Both us were so happy being in each others company, but. . .

Why did it all have to so wrong?

We ran through the maze of this so called laboratory, trying to get away for our lives. Looking back, we saw the Royal scientist, their gaze murderous since we just discovered something he didn't want anyone but himself to know.

We were in my home kingdom, the princess wanted to visit, but things didn't go that way we expected.

"Keep going! If he catches up to us, I'll hold him off!" I said, running beside her.

"No that's a terrible idea!!"

While running, i could see her tearing up. I Groaned a bit, looking behind us to the the royal scientist indeed gaining up on us. Turning on my heels i dashed towards him, tackling him down.

"Chara!!" She shouted.

"Just run!! One of us need to tell them the truth!!!" I shouted back, struggling to keep the scientist down.

She hesitated for a moment, but soon enough ran, disappearing down the hall.

"You little brats" I heard the scientist say before he knocked me out.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around.. why is it so bright?.. i waited for my sight to adjust to see that i was in a lab office.

Surprised and Terrified, i tried to move but found that i couldn't. I looked down at my hands to see that they were transparent.

'w-what the...' i looked around more until i noticed that i was in a containment unit, mostly made of glass, but what's weirder was that.. my soul was out.

'where... Why am I... Princess!??'

No response... But then again, it feels like I'm the only one that could hear my voice.

Just then, the door to the lab slide open, two beings walked in.

That's when i noticed who they were...
The scientist... And his creation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up, feeling sweat go down the side of my face. Heh.. then again, how could a ghost like me sweat?

I looked over to Cross. He was talking to Killer and Dust again.

I Silently sighed and looked down at the locket that rested around my neck.

'. . . Where is she now?'

And that's the new part!
I hope you guys like it and could get more info--

Anyways, tell me what you guys think and I'll see y'all in the next part!✨

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