chapter 38- True or False

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The room had been engulfed in tense silence after the queen left the room, all eyes pinned onto Cross who tries oh so desperately to somehow shrink in the corner, avoiding any and all eye contact. Nightmare didn't seem so pleased with that, using a tentacle to force Cross to look at them.

"Cross, what are you hiding? It is clear there's something you're not telling us. The queen seems to know, yet you continue to hide it." Nightmare said, his cold stare almost piercing into Cross's skull.

"Nightmare, don't you think this is a little too extreme?" Killer commented, not knowing how he could effectively intervene between the two, staying put on the edge of Dream's bed.

Nightmare clicked his tongue, letting go of Cross's face, now turning his attention to Killer.
"It's not in any way extreme; Cross had been acting strange since we first got here. It is obvious that this is an important matter since the queen herself knew of it and expected us to know something that Cross knows" Nightmare clarified to Killer, his brows furrowed as he looked back over to Cross.

"I want to know what it is and why Cross decided to keep it from us."

Cross hearing that only made him feel guiltier about keeping such information from Night. Cross clutched one of the straps of his clothes as he looked down to his shoes.
"I'm sorry, I-I can't"

"You can't? Can't what?" Killer asked.

"I... I can't tell you, I was forbidden to." Cross said. The guilt making his soul feel somewhat heavy in his chest.

"Why? Who fucking forbid you?" Nightmare said, starting to get irritated.



Nearby stall had already been vacant of any vendors, some sustaining a bit of damage from Dust trying to evade or avoid Reaper's attacks. Dust knew Reaper wasn't entirely conscious at the moment, which started to make him hesitate with fighting back, only making the situation more difficult for him.

"Reaper, calm down!!" Dust pleaded, Reaper's Scythe locked against Dust's sharpened bone. He didn't receive a response from the darker, eyesockets cold and empty as ever.

Dust was just thankful that the civilians around the area were able to leave just when the fight was starting. Reaper was soon able to slice through the bone, giving Dust little to nontime to dodge, a bit of Dust's cloak receiving a small cut.

Dust would only get tired if this continued any longer. He needed to somehow calm Reaper down somehow.. But how???
If Reaper is going through the same thing Dust had gone through, then chances are he might try destroying the kingdom if his attention was off of Dust.

The best thing to do now was to knock Reaper out somehow, but Dust couldn't even get behind him. Dust might need some help but from who?? The others aren't around the area. Dust cursed deciding to try and pin Reaper down with his bones... But Reaper wouldn't even stay still long enough for that to be possible! Dust must've been too distracted, leading to Reaper landing a blow on his arm, it wasn't a light blow either. Dust hissed from the pain, jumping back as he held his arm. Reaper stayed afloat on the same spot face blank as he watched Dust grip his arm from the pain, liquid bone marrow bleeding from the cut and dripping onto the stone path.

Reaper adjusted his grip on the scythe before dashing towards Dust to finish him off, Dust only able to summon a wall of bones which Reaper was able to slash through. His attack was able to not slice through the bones, but as cut into Dust's leg, now affecting his mobility.

Dust was too slow now. All Dust could do now was brace himself for impact as Reaper swung his scythe again.


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