chapter 32- Sooner or later

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Ship you want, ship you'll get.

Error was waiting beside the large doorway to Ink's Mother's office. He didn't exactly see the point as to why they need to report something as simple as Dream fainting out of nowhere to Ink's mother.

He sighed, glancing at the large, seemingly heavy oak doors, wondering why Ink is taking so long. Well, it hasn't been that long actually, its only been 3 minutes, He's just feeling kind of impatient. He's always been impatient since he was a kid, he just knows how to hide it well.

Finally, Error heard the doors move and straightened up, seeing Ink had walked out, along with his mother. He raised a brow at Ink, giving him a questioning look as Ink walked over to him.

"Mom just wants to check on Dream. I told her the maids could take care of Dream and that she didn't need to worry, but she insisted." Ink clarified as he glanced over to his mom, sighing. Ink looked... worried?

Error looked over to the Queen as well, now noticing that she didn't look well herself. She looked tired, a bit stressed. Error saw Ink shook his head before following his mother, Error following behind.


"They'll come back with a damp towelette not too long from now." Cross said, walking back in the room.

In the short amount of time, Dream developed a high fever. Luckily, two servants were passing by, and Cross was able to ask them if they could bring them a few things to help Dream.

Killer thanked Cross before hearing Dream lightly, yet weakly chuckle. Gaining their attention.

"Hey... brother?" Dream said, slightly tilting his head to look at Nightmare, who wasn't standing far from where Dream was laying.

"Isn't this what happened to you not so long ago?" This earned looks of curiosity from both Killer and Cross.Nightmare shook he head as he crossed his arms.

"No it isn't. I was bit by one of the rats because of those jerks, you weren't bitten at all."

"But still... You passed out, then woke up again not long after.. then you had a ridiculously high fever..." Dream said, closing his eye sockets since it felt rather tiring for him to keep them open.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, not long after, the doors opened, the queen walking in as two servants followed, with a towelette and a cup of hot tea. Ink and Error peeked in, not wanting to get in their way. Killer backed up from the bed, letting the servants and the Queen care for Dream.

Error looked over to Cross, who noticed and gave him a shrug, showing that he didn't know much of what been going on.

"Blue didn't mention Dream having a fever..." Ink muttered, sounding worried.
Error nodded in agreement, not really minding Ink's tone. He understood, Dream was still Ink's friend after all.

"Its because Dream didn't have one at that time." Killer cut in, walking over to the two. "The fever just happened not long after Blue left."

Error looked back over to Ink, seeing that he was seemingly more worried. For a fever to happen so suddenly... Its obviously strange, but not impossible.

He took a breath before hesitantly grabbing Ink's wrist and pulling him away from the doorway. He felt like a jerk, taking a worried person away from his sick friend, but also felt like having a panic attack and crashing. It wasn't as bad as the beginning, but its still bad.

"Hey- Error!- You're going to crash!- Where are you even taking us!?" Ink said frantically, seeing all the glitches surrounding Error, who wasn't listening and kept going.

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