chapter 27- talks

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Damn, already 2020 ;w;

Blue's pov

I froze for a moment, hearing Geno's voice from behind me.

".. Blue, why do you have.. that thing in your chambers?!" Geno questioned, Though i couldn't really pun point what he was feeling.

As soon as I snapped out of my frozen stated, i squeaked as i summoned a bone to my hand and turned around, bashing Geno by the side of his skull, in result knocking him out.

Once i realized what i just did, i dropped the bone i held on the floor, covering my mouth as i stared down at the unconscious skeleton before me. I started to panic.

"OhgoshOhgoodnessThisisbad!!" I said rather quickly as i flailed my arms up in the air, being useless at the moment while i panicked.

Soon enough, i evened out my breathing, calming down as i looked back over to the unconscious Geno. I took a breath and walked over to him, picking him up with little to no difficulty. I had to admit that Geno weights lighter than I expected. I walked over to my bed and carefully placed him down onto the soft fabric, looking at the area where i wacked him cold.

I muttered to myself about how much I messed up until I felt something rub against my arm. I looked over to see the pink blob from before, it seems that it noticed my distress and tried to comfort me, a small frown on its face. I sighed and calmed down, patting its head lightly. I should really give it a name.

"Hmm... I guess I should give you a name.. Does Pinky work?" I said, though the creature seemed to have stopped and had a visible expression of cringe.

I frowned a bit, then then giggled a bit, rubbing the back of my head.
"I guess you don't like that name... Well, do you already have a name?" i asked.

The creature nodded, floating around the air, probably making letters as it made noises that I couldn't really understand. I stared at it in confusion, It noticed and stopped. It seemed to have visibly sighed and floated over to one of the bedside drawers, pulling the handle with its mouth and taking out a piece of paper and a pencil. It placed the paper down on the floor and using its mouth to hold the pencil and write down letters.

"Aaa- kuu.. Akumu?" I asked, reading the letters out loud.

It nodded before going back in, writing a a slash symbol in between the 'A' and 'K'.

"oh, so its either Kumu or Akumu?" I asked again for confirmation.

It nodded smiling. It floated to me but stopped once the both of us heard a groan of pain. We both looked over to Geno waking up.. Wait.... GENO IS WAKING UP!!

We both panicked when was saw Geno slowly open his socket, immediately spotting Kumu. I of course panicked again and tried to knock him out again, but he was quick enough this time and blocked it, getting up from the bed.

"Ok, Blue, this is not normal, WHAT.. the hek.. is that?!" Geno said, getting straight to the point.

"Err..." Was what came out of my mouth as i glaced over to Kumu, who was just casually floated in midair, staring at Geno.

"U-um.. this is Kumu! He's a pink blob-"

"Yeah, i could see that." He cut me off, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Where the hek did you even find it?? Those kinds of creatures looks like a creature from 30 years ago or something.." Geno trailed off once he noticed my curious gaze.

"What do you mean? Do you know what these things are?" I asked.

"Well yes, but not exactly. Those things are small magical creatures, but it seems to be tamed, so it must be an artificial creature mostly known for being a pet. I don't know what species it is exactly, so I can't say that its safe." Geno's stare hardened as he stared at Kumu.

"He's not dangerous, I've been with him for quite a while now-"

"YOU HAD IT FOR MORE THAN A DAY WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE?!? Blue, i get that you don't want that thing to lonely or whatever childish reason you have, but that thing is unknown. We don't know where it came from!!" Geno bursted.

"Hey, calm down-- i found him in the garden while i was strolling around..." I said. This made Geno facepalm.

"Blue..." He tailed off, sighing.
"You're an Idiot. An Idiot with good intentions." I had no idea how to respond to that.

Geno sat back down on the bed, grumbling to himself about something. I raised a non existent eyebrow at him, sitting down next to him, Kumu floating close to my shoulder.

"Hey, Geno?.. are you ok? You seem bummed." I said to him.

"I just.. sorry, you just really make me worry.. Its been so long since i get to see all of us together again, i just really wish that everything is ok for everyone, that they're safe and-"

"You sound like a Mom, Geno" I casually cut him off.

"Hey! I'm not a Mom!" Geno argued, making me giggle a bit.

(Meanwhile~~~ )

<Ink's pov>

I knocked on the large white door, waiting for a response. Once i was told to come in, i did so, looking up at my Mom.

"So, I'm guessing that there's no progress to be reported, am I right?" She asked me, her gentle voice still as kind as ever.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." I apologized, looking down as I fiddled with my fingers.

I heard her sigh and got up from her chair, the tap of her shoes audible from the solid floor. She placed her hand on top of my head gently, making me look up at her.

"There's no need to apologize for something that you can't control. These things take time after all. Which is why its going to last for 5 months."

Her assurance made me smile a bit, but it didn't last long as a thought came to mind.

"But what if it would never work out? What if all of us just stay friends and show no interest in one another?" I asked. Making her smile at me softly.

"Then you all stay as you are, it will be very useful once you have your own kingdom."

I hummed a bit, taking in what she said, applying it to the current situation me and my friends are facing.

"... Mom, i have a question.. do you have any other royal friends that weren't included in this plan?" I asked curiously. My mom noticed the question Being a bit trivial, but answered anyways.

"I do have one close friend of mine... But she wasn't able to attend for a good reason..." She said, though a hint of melancholy was there, Though barely noticeable.

"Oh, really? What's her name? What kingdom is she from? Why wasn't she about to attend?" I asked her more and more questions, making her chuckle from my curiosity.

"well, she's from the kingdom of ho... Nvm, I'm not really supposed to share these kinds of information with you.. it was her wish to me after all..." She said.

I whined a bit but understood. Saying goodbye before walking out of the room, the sound of my shoes tapping the cold floor bouncing off the walls.

"A royal friend from the kingdom of horrors?.. well, that's my guess at least.. hm, i wonder who she is.. where is she now?" I muttered to myself as I steadily made my way back to the others.


Ok ok, um, sorry for being a bad author and holding you guys up, i really need to get back to updating.

But that should be easy enough seeing that is already summer break from school!

Anyways, did you guys like it? Got any sort of theories? Comment it down, I'd love to see :3

That's it for this chapter, see you guys in the next one!!✨✨

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