chapter 5- i missed ya too!

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<still ink's pov>

i felt a twist in my nonexcistant stomach form as i start to panic 'no run up the stairs to the nearest restroom! don't let them see you like this!' i thought to myself as i covered my mouth and ran up the stair to the nearest restroom, when i got there, i lunged for the toilet and barfed up black ink, that's one of the abilities i've gained from puberty.. fucking puberty hates us all.

i cleaned off the ink that splattered onto my face and looked at myself in the mirror infront of the sink. my thoughts retracted back to the few minutes that passed, when i saw them.. their actually here! like RIGHT NOW! 

thinking back that i just suddenly left the room made me stop what i was currently doing and bolt out of the rest room, fuck. blue, dream, geno, reaper, lust, horror, killer, dust, cross, nightmare, sci, fell, error. they might have been worried and confused.

<error's pov>

what the fuck just happened?.. i just saw my long unseen friend for the first time in a vvveerryy long time, and he just.. runs up the stairs and disappear again.. like.. da fuq.

"is your son going to be ok?" i heard nightmare's mom/dad ask. (mom?) idk TvT

"oh, he's fine.. he just needs to do something everytime he feels strong emotions.. don't worry.. he has done this once.." ink's mom replied.

the two of them kept talking, i couldn't care less about their topic. i started to drift to my thoughts as to what ink's been up to.. i knew the others were royals but ink never told us about him being a royal to us.. 

i was pulled back to reality by both my brother, geno, asking me if i was fine and if i saw what happened too, and by a teleporting sound.

i turned to look at where the sound came from and saw him, ink's back, and is hugging blue and dream..who were crying.. guess they really.. REALLY missed each other huh.. their like a girly three'o.

geno turned his to where i was looking and froze once again but rushed to ink, so did the others,well.. except for reaper, nightmare, fresh and i.. fresh didn't know whats going on, while i was letting them have their moment with ink..

"bro, is that the guy you and the others had been talking about?" i heard fresh ask me as he walked to my side.

"yep. that's him.." i answered shortly after the others let go of ink from their group hug or stuff like that..

 i walked over to the others and ink,yeah, at some point in the past, me and ink were the closest in the group. being separated for a lot of years made me feel like i knew nothing about him. approaching him after years, you would think that i'd be like 'no big deal' but nnoo. i liked ink in a different way since.. our classes. so this... this would be interesting..

ink turned to finally notice me and gave me a bright smile and rushed to hug me, he hugged me tightly, i shoved him away from the physical contact. its not i didn'y want to give him a hug.. its just that i've developed a phobia a few years ago.

"e-error?" ink said with a questioning tone.

"i-i didn't mean to- i-"

"error developed a phobia of being touched a few years ago." geno cuts me out of my sentence.

<geno's pov>

i saved my brother's sorry ass in time, this time it was in front of his long time crush.. wow.

" forgive my brother for being a bit rude-"

"geno.. you don't need to be so formal.." ink whined, he's still the same.

"but i-"

"no butts.."ink cut me off


"i said no butts, your one of my closest friends. you don't need to be so formal." ink cuts me off again and whined once more.

"anyways... who's this young man over here"ink asked as he walked over to my other brother, fresh. from ink being short, fresh was only a skull shorter than him, i snickered.

"that's my other little brother, fresh. he's only 13 years old." i answered, making ink's eye sockets widen.

"really??!!... i really am short.. aren't i..?" ink answered as he turned to fresh.

"anyways, hi fresh. my name's ink. its nice to meet you!" ink greeted my brother, holding his hand out for fresh to shake.

fresh took the hand shake and let go as he mentioned something.

"so you've been the one that my brothers' been yaberin' about eh?"

"oh really?"

"yeah, it annoyed me sometimes that i never met you" fresh added.

"aww, seems like they just missed me a lot then." ink said

"yep" i replied, eyeing error, but ink didn't notice.

"its ok, i missed ya too!" inks said as he turned to everyone

all of us smiled, well.. except nightmare.

i was smiling too, until i heard a voice that i nnneevvveeerrr wanted to hear again.

"why hello again, geno~"

ah shit.


hi pips! sorry for the long wait.. i needed to go to school for some reason.. school's needed for you kids, even if i also could call it hell but.. its needed.

anyways.. thanks for waiting for this book's short chapters.. i would really like to post longer chaps but.. my mind doesn't agree with that.. but then again. thanks for reading this chap.. see ya in the next one soon.. bbyyee!~~

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