chapter 11- group talk

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<dream's pov>

we all finished dinner, we all had nothing to do again, i just sat it one of the garden's benches, admiring the star-filled night sky, the cool breeze hitting my face-. its just pure relaxation in simple words.

right now.. i'm planning on how to get my rival off the equation. error is no good for ink.. their total opposites! how could that work?! 

i smiled to myself, knowing that ink would be mine soon enough, me and my brother already knows why were, what the meeting's about.. but we just didn't expect the others to be here.

i heard footsteps from behind the bench, from the sound of how they walk, i already know who they were. no.. it not any of my friends.. its one of my creations.. my clone. i was able to make him with my magic.

(explanation of why there were two dreams)

the footsteps stopped and a warm golden glow emitted behind me, signifying that it had turned back into my magic, or in other words, a ball of golden flame. it floated to my hand. you see, my clone was with ink and error to gather info as to what error is planning, the golden flame showed what happened. i clenched my hand into a fist, resulting to my flame ball to disappear.

"he's advancing," i muttered to myself.

"what?.." i voice asked from behind me, i almost jumped in my seat from surprise.

i turned around to face the mystery person.

"oh, sorry for scaring you there." killer apologized.

"o-oh, its fine, its fine.. i didn't hear you walk over."i replied.

"why are you here anyways?.." i added.

"oh.. sci callled for a group talk." he answered.

"can't we just use our phone?.."

"that's the thing.. the others don't have phones.."


"come on, their in the library." killer said as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to said destination. but we made a few wrong turns.

me and killer were the last ones in the room. the others are already seated, my brother ,lust, and horror already having read a few books..

"what took you guys so long?.." fell asked.

"we got confused with the place again." killer answered.

i glance at my brother,he was looking away from his book, his expression looking daggers at killer.

"are you sure that's all you did?.." nightmare spoke with a surprisingly calm tone.

"yeah dude, don't assume stuff." killer assured.he took a seat next to dust and horror, me doing the same next to blue and cross.

"soo, what's this whole group talk thing?" geno asked.

"do any of you know what's the meeting about?" sci asked.

"yeah actually.. their planning to match us up with each other.." nightmare answered.


"WHAT?!!" geno practically screamed.

"shush, your in a library." ink stated.

"and-- what now?! >:(" geno now asked bluntly.

"guess we have to just roll with it and wish we won't be stupid enough to fall for each other.." killer said.

"plus, its just two week."

and on cue the library door creaked open and revealing my mom.

".. oh my gosh.. you guys look so mature, having your own meeting!" she stated.

half of our group gave my mom a frisk face.

"anyways.. we all agreed that all of you would stay here for about 5 months." she stated.

all of our sockets went blank as she shut the door. leaving us to ourselves once more.


"you fucking jinx'd it!!" geno screeched.

"sshhhhh.." reaper shushed geno, while at the same time patting geno's skull.

"wwhyyyy T^T" geno whinned.

"error, what about your other brother, fresh?" ink asked.

error shrugged.

{a few minutes earlier with fresh}

i heard that my brothers are going to be staying here for five more months.

i could hardly care less about that.. i'm staying back in my home while the two are stuck to stay here..

currently, i'm just walking around the castle grounds.. trying to find something to make me less bored..

i then heard a weak sounding noise from a near by bush.. having nothing to do, i walked closer to the noise..

it make a sound again, but this time a bit more louder, but still weak. i finally peeked into the bush.

in revealed a small creature, a baby duckling to be exact. 

it was shacking in either fear or cold. i don't know why, but i picked it up. it was still shacking or shivering. i hugged it gently in hopes to keep it warm.

'why am i doing this for this creature?' i asked myself. i couldn't explain it but i felt something for the creature.

pity? why would i feel that? i'm not suppose to feel anything..

i felt the creature stop shacking, i looked down to it. it was already asleep. i felt myself smile a little. i walked back to the castle to go to sleep too. its already pretty late anyways.

i walked down a hall, i walked pass miss joku. i was about to walk pass the library until i heard a voice. it sounded like my brother, geno. i listened in for a bit until i heard a question to my other brother about me.

i knocked on the door.

"come in." a low gloomy voice answered. i could tell that it was one of error's friends, nightmare.

i walked it, the duckling still in my arms.

"oh, speak of the devil." dust said.

"what's that ya got there?.." error asked.

"a small baby duck i found a few minutes earlier." i answered.

"also, i won't be staying with ya guys he in 5 months.. and the others. aka. your parents and me . are going back to our kingdoms tomorrow." i added. all of them had empty sockets, staying in silence..

"tomorrow???! they said they'd be staying here for 2 weeks!" lust exclaimed, resulting to sci covering his mouth.

"while you guys deal with your problems, i'll head to bed. i suggest you do the same.." i spoke as i walked off after shutting the library door.

i was a good distance from the library, but yet i still could hear complaints and curses coming from said room.


would ya look at that! i was able to put up with this chapter!!! :D

jk, but i thank you guys for reading this chapter.. how it explains some stuff for you guys..

and one more thing i'd like you guys to answer..

what's your most hated ship in the sancest universe?..
don't argue with each other mmkay?..

this is just for fun..

and that's about it! :3 hope you guys enjoyed it! see in de next chap! baiiii~~

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