chapter 46- Revelation

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"Alphys reporting. The subjects under monitoring proves to stay stable, although there are some... Abnormalities with a few such as subject N16. It seems we have to wait for a while to see any new results. I will be returning to headquarters in a few days. End of report."

. . .

It is finally morning, the inhabitants of the castle were enjoying their breakfast, mainly the group of royal friends due to the fact Alphys would be leaving that morning. The queen had joined the group this time to also have breakfast and also to be polite since she's meant to see Alphys off.

After breakfast, there was already carriage waiting outside for Alphys to board.  The royals saw her off, waving her goodbye just to be polite. Once they skeletons were sure she was gone, they all sighed in relief, some slouching forward and some falling onto the ground. The queen was with them mind you, so she was pretty surprised by the princes' sudden relief from Alphys' absence.

"My, I didn't think she would have you all tense and stiff. It's only been one day after all." She commented with a small chuckle. Hopefully the princes' all did a good job convincing everything was normal with their conditions.

"W-we'll be fine, your majesty. We're just... Umm... A bit deprived of sleep." Geno tried assuring the queen, earning a nod from her before she left to go back to her office to deal with more work, leaving the skeletons to their business.

With that settled, majority of the group looked at each other before walking back into the castle, already knowing where they're all planning on going. Dream just followed the group as Killer held his hand, leading him along with the others.

It was time to finally continue what they planned on doing.

Finally unlocking that door in the puzzle room.

Last time Dream was there was... When they were trying to deal with all the puzzles along the walls.. He and Killer even got to bring cookies down there only to have Cross get the spiked cookie.. Oh the guilt fueling memories.

Nightmare and Blue walked over to the two pillar-like pedestals, placing their respective keys in and stopping back to see what would happen. A few seconds passed as the others started looking at each other in confusion.

"Um... Isn't there's supposed to be like this grand reveal or maybe level three of this place? This is pretty anticlimactic." Fell commented before the room started to violently shake, bits of concrete on the walls and ceiling trickling down a bit as the vault lock creaked and slowly turned, unlocking the door as the shaking died down.

Seeing how it would be rather annoying to wait for someone else to do the work, Nightmare went over and opened the door with one of his tendrils. Slowly, it revealed a bright pink light from inside. The skeletons had to squint a bit before finally making out a shape. It was a pink heart- rather, a pink soul. The vault had served to be a containment unit for this soul. Horror step up in front of the group, recognising the strange pink hue to be similar to the folktales of his kingdom.

"A soul. And not just any soul, but the soul of the one that spreads fear and lies. What is a creature like this doing under your castle, Ink?" Horror questioned, being both confused and suspicious of Ink now, especially since the queen actively helped in freeing it.

"I-I don't know-" Ink was cut off by the soul depending, forming was seems to be a body of a girl. She had straight hair that reached her shoulders, one side of her bangs longer than the other as it's color faded from brown to pink. She had a dress befitting a princess as majority of her body was covered by it's fabric. She had dropped to the ground, seemingly unconscious before taking in a gasp of air. She seemed to have been deprived of it for some long before she lifted her head to see the group of skeletons. Frightened, she backed up until her back hit the wall behind.

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