chapter 24- Pillows and blankets

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This is more on Errink--

Its been half an hour.

Ink, Blue, Dust, and Error are taking well about half an hour to get pillows and comforters back to the puzzle room.

Its not cuz its far away
Or cuz its heavy.

Its cuz Error and Blue got engulfed into the comfy and cozy layers of feathers and fabrics.

Error was half asleep at this point. Ink tried to get him off the comforters but Error wouldn't budge. He's like a cat

Blue was completely Passed out. This would be convenient for Dust, but Blue is all tangled up in thick layers of blankets.

"... I don't remember Error loving blankets this much" Ink casually mentioned, looking at Error as he hugs a pillow.

"Oh, and he's a cuddler" Ink noted to himself.

Dust huffed.
"Error was always like this since we were younger. You just forgot about that fact." He said, glancing at Error as he wrapped himself in another blanket.

"But let's just ignore him for a moment. I need help with Blue.."

"What do you mean?" Ink asked.

Dust gestured at a bunch of blankets and comforters that had Blue's face barely visible.

Ink blinked a few times and decided to help Dust with untangling Blue out and letting Error collect more Blankets and Pillows for himself.

"Ok, i take this end, you take the other. Ok?" Ink said, taking one corner of one of the blankets from the tangled mess.

Dust nodded doing the same for a different blanket corner.

They both counted down

And tugged.

Blue woke up from the feeling of falling, which was proven to be real when hi felt himself hit the layers of fabric below him.

Blue sat up and looked over at Ink and Dust questioningly

Dust sighed and patted Blue's head as Ink walked back over to Error.

He crouched down next to Error and thought whether or not try and poke him or try to wake him up.

"Hurry up already, we need to get these back to the others" Dust said collecting a few pillows and also helping Blue do the same.

Ink nodded over to Dust and decided to try and wake Error up by poking him.

And the changed his mind and just took a pillow and hit Error with it.

Error shot up from his nap and slightly glared over at Ink, who in this case was giggling.

Blue didn't really understand what was going on, but looked over at the bunch of blankets and decided to fold them, getting a good idea.

"Hey guys, help me out with these Pillows and blankets. I have an idea of what we could do." Blue said, taking a folded Blanket and placing it on his Head.

The three watched Blue as he overlapped more, Making a tall stack of Pillows and blankets balance on his head.

"Why don't we stack all of them like this and balance them on our head while walking back? Its a good challenge, and we could see who has the best sense of balance, and good posture." Blue said the last part as though he was waiting for this.

"Isn't this more of a princess thing, except with hard cover books?" Ink asked, taking a stack that isn't that big in his arms.

"Exactly!! That's why i want to try it!"Blue was practically beaming with excitement.

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