chapter 40- awake

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There was only silence in the room as the three stayed, waiting for at least one of their two friends to regain consciousness.

"... Should I maybe get something to eat?" Blue asked as Sci continued to keep tabs on Reaper's condition. Fell was beside him in case Reaper woke up to lash out once again.

"Uh- yes please, its been a while since we got here after all."
Sci was right, its been about 3 hours now. They might've missed lunch by now. Blue nodded, exiting the room and leaving the two be.

Sci huffed, sitting down somewhere as he looked though the his phone.
"His fever isn't going down. This is dangerously high, pretty much as high as Dream's was." It was evident in Sci's voice that he was concerned about his friends. Wouldn't he be?

From the corner of his eye, Sci saw something move. Making sure it wasn't just his stress getting to him, he looked over. It was Dust. He was starting to shift and groan slightly, he was starting to wake up, his eyesockets cracking open with dull tired eye lights.

"W..hat the... Wh..ere..." Dust was disoriented as of right now, trying to push himself up to just sit only to wince once he felt pain go through his system, it must've been the fatigue he got from having to hold Reaper off for so long. "GaAh!- son of a--"

"Dust, you're awake! Thank goodness!" Sci went over to check and see if there was anything else wrong with said skeleton only to receive hisses of pain from the not so gentle pushing and twisting of the scientist that's giving him a short check up.

"sTop! Off! OfF!! right nOw!!!" As requested, Sci finally pulled his hands away from him, having Dust drop back down on the couch with aching bones.

"I think you should've been more gentle about giving him that check up, doc." Fell stated the obvious, while having a lazy yet amused grin on his face. Sci rolled his eyelights before looking him over one more time, but this time keeping his hands to himself.

"Okay, other than what looks to be fatigue, you're relatively fine. Your injuries had already been dealt with so you need not to worry about that." Sci informed Dust, backing away and standing beside Fell as he let Dust slowly sit himself up.

"ugh... Thanks.. Wait, where's Reaper?" Dust asked as he let his eye lights adjust a bit through the headache he was having.

"He's right beside you- well on the couch beside you that is. We decided to have both of you situated in your room so that we could keep an eye on both of you more easily." Sci explained as Dust tried to get on his feet. Sadly his bones felt too weak to support his weight, so he decided to just lay back down on his bed, sighing.

"I see, well how's his condition so far? Does he have any sort of injuries from the fight? Well, injuries other than maybe a dent on the back of his head." Dust asked as he reached for a pillow beside him to just hug out of boredom.

"He's fine if you're only asking about injuries, but as of right now, he has a serious fever, similar to Dream's in his first few days." Dust kept his eyelights on the ceiling as he listened to Sci, his worries about his fellow hooded friend somewhat escalating.

With such a report, Dust didn't really know what to do about it, deciding to just close his eye sockets and maybe sleep some more... Well that was his initial plan until he heard the door to his room open once again.

"I'm back! The maids seemed worried that we didn't go and eat lunch at the dining hall, they were nice enough to have prepared meals for us in case we got hungry!" It was Blue, he was carrying a tray with three plates, the flatware placed on the far side of the tray to balance the weight out. Blue placed it down on a nearby table and patted off his hands.

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