Chapter 35- So close, yet...

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Entry 15

Unfortunately it seems that even though the outcome was a success, there are still a few issues that even I cannot fix. It appears that these would have no certain time period to start doing their purpose. I have no choice but wait patiently.

We read as our confusion and fear grew in our bodies as I placed the document files back on the table. I looked back over to the princess, holding her hand tightly as I put on a brave face.
"Princess... I don't think we're meant to be here, we need to leave."

Having warned her, I noticed how something else was in her eyes. It was clear that she was scared, but there was also worry. It wasn't for herself, but for others.
"Someone needs to know, someone nee-"
The sound of doors opening behind us cut her off as we quickly turned to look at who it was that entered the room.

~ ~ • ~ ~ • ~ ~

"Cross, I think I have an idea as to what might be behind those doors" Xchara said, looking over to the thick door that they had yet to open.

He waited for a moment for a response until he realised he was being ignored. He looked over to Cross, who was one his phone, most likely chatting with the others. This of course ticked Xchara off since he was being serious for once and actually needs Cross's attention.

"Er... So who do you think that person is?" Reaper asked, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

Geno furrowed his brows before shaking his head.
"I don't have an idea who that might be. But judging from the features..."
He looked looked over to Cross.

"Its a human knight who looks fairly young. He also has white hair, which is a bit too much to be a coincidence."
Geno said, making Cross tilt his head a bit from confusion. Geno continued to clarify his point.

"Humans with all white hair is common in your kingdom, kid are also common to be trained to be knights at a fairly young age as well like you were. Maybe this person was someone from your kingdom."
Processing what he said, Cross glanced at Xchara for a moment and hesitate to say anything.

"I- uh..."
Cross said before taking a breath.
"I'm sorry, I don't know who that is... I've never seen anyone who looked like that anywhere around my kingdom, not even in a portrait."

With that response, Reaper sighed and shrugged.
"Oh well, I guess we have to look somewhere else. Thought if you don't really know, then I guess this person never existed."

Nightmare nodded in agreement.
"You told us before that your father forced you to learn everything there is about your kingdom's history to be a proper ruler in the future after all."
Nightmare mentioned, making Cross nod his head.

"Well I guess knowing who that person would be is pointless."
Geno blurted out as he picked up the last piece of the puzzle that had yet to be placed in to complete it. (which was the impostor piece that had a different image at the back)

"We'll just have to solve this ourselves since it seems the others are off to see the town and its people."
Geno added as he placed the puzzle piece in.

There was silence for a moment, as if the four of them were waiting for something to happen. After a while, they were conviced that they gained nothing from this discovery.

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