Chapter 33- that's....

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Finally Another chapter! I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, hope you guys are still alive qwq

Cross looked over to the twins, fidgeting with his fingers. The Queen and the servants were already gone, but they said one of them will come back later to check up on Dream. As of right now, Nightmare was just looking at his resting brother, one of his tentacles waving, maybe out of anxiousness.

Blue and Dust still haven't come back and its been a while now. From one side of the room, Killer sighed and broke the silence.

"How long are you going to stand there and watch him sleep?" Killer questioned Nightmare, snapping the tentacled Skeleton out of whatever trance he was in and turning to look at Killer.

"I'm watching over my brother. What could be so wrong with that?" Nightmare replied with a cold tone.

"Go and do something productive. Don't worry, I'll stay here and watch over him. This is my room after all, and I'm still going to stay here and wait for Blue and Dust to come back." Killer said, seeing that Nightmare didn't seem to be too fond with the idea.

"You know, you're a bit out of character for worrying about him this much. You know your brother is stubborn too, he'll be fine."Killer added.

Nightmare sighed.
"Fine. I guess i should go back to reading my book back in the library."

Cross remembered Nightmare's strange behavior earlier from sensing his brother's sudden sickness. He got up from the seat he was on and dropped his book without even leaving a book mark, Cross was so confused and just followed Nightmare once he ran out of the library.

"You didn't leave any sort of bookmark on the book you were reading. You might've lost you page." Cross chipped into the conversation.

Nightmare shook his head as he took one last glance at Dream before walking to the doors.
"I remember the page I left off on."

Cross didn't really know if he should be surprised or not, this is Nightmare we're talking about after all, he always did admire him for a reason or two.

Cross waved goodbye to Killer before following after Nightmare.


"Hey, where are we going?" Blue asked Dust, who still didn't reply. Dust still seemed uneasy and was trying to go somewhere he could calm down.

They soon arrived at one of the balconies of the castle where they both previously chatted in. Dust sat on the nearest bench and leaned against his arms as he tried to calm himself down.

Blue slowly walked over to Dust, looking around the area, then up at the late afternoon sky for a moment before sitting on the empty space next to Dust.

"... Hey, Dust?.. What's the matter? Why did you leave?" Blue asked softly.

He wasn't surprised that he didn't get an immediate response since it's been like that for the past while now.

"... I needed to." Dust simply answered.

Blue slightly tilting his head in curiosity.
"How come?"

Dust took a deep breath as he sat up properly. Holding his arms as he stared off into the sky as he answered again.
"The situation felt... Too familiar... It brought back bad memories. Dream's situation was already something to worry about, if I get a sudden panic attack, then the situation would only get worse.."

This made Blue feel more concerned and curious for obvious reasons. Blue sighed.

"If it helps, I could keep you company until you feel better. Is that ok for you?" Blue asked.

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